Breakfast and Bombs

Start from the beginning

"What did you do to him this morning?" Ace asks Ivory.

"Nothing drastically unusual." She mutters. "Though we need to go check up on our friends so-"

"Can I break a chair too or no?" Ace says standing up annoyed.

"You'll have to pay for it." Ivory says standing up and looking at us, "I hope you're ready for this because I'm not."

Aiden and I chuckle, our friends weren't very threatening as of this moment. We also really didn't want to deal with this anymore. We were suppose to be making designs for our custom build house, which we got the money for due to Ivory paying us a second time, and Lukas handing over money in the middle of the night in boredom. Yeah I just wanted to strangle him a few seconds ago, but it's expected when everyone always wants to kill each-other or just die. I just wanted out of this mess for a week at the least.

Ace's POV

I haven't forgotten about the rally today. I rented a motorcycle to go to said rally. I'd check up on Copper after it; but I needed to end it. It was going to happen at Beacon after the graduation. I wonder what teams were still going there. I never really did pay attention to people. It was a rather large gathering, maybe 35 thousand at most in the courtyard of the school. I went around the whole area setting up charges as the crowd grew larger. One of Eric's friends, I had no clue were Eric was. I also haven't watch the news lately, so I'd be unaware of any recent deaths.

"What are you doing here Aero?" She asks, he bat wings fully exposed; bats were gross.

"I'm checking up on the rally for my girlfriend." I say smiling as if I'm excited.

"Ah Copper, she's lucky to have you Ace." She says.

"Yeah Valentine, I suppose she is. So who's going to be the speaker this time?" I ask curious not really looking into the rally.

"Cinder Fall, if I recall correctly." She says walking away, looking as vain as ever.

I roll my eyes, I hated those more prideful than me. I stand in the middle of the growing crowd, getting bumped into, shoved, and it didn't help that I was one of the shortest people there. It was cloudy with freshly fallen snow, very little light besides the spot lights.

"Hello my loyal members, today is the day we've been waiting for." Cinder exclaims as people arrange themselves. I ended up in the back so I perched myself on a stone pillar, ready to set of the charges whenever. An applause breaks out as two masked people walk onto the stage. Who were they?

"I present you with, Raven Branwen, and Adam Taurus. Your favorite representatives; But before hand, I must explain out plans." Cinder makes a dramatic gesture with her hands as I give a snort of disgust. "How many of you are willing to destroy the world?" The crowd screeches something unidentifiable as an answer.

"We are going to conquer it! No more high-class! No more subjugation! No more Grimm! I will be the leader of the combined races! You will all get what you deserve!" She yells into the mic as the crowd stops cheering, a man in red and black stands in front of Cinder Fall with a red blade. "They are not your puppets!" He shouts. "You are a tyrant! You just want the power for yourself! The Faunus would not accept a mere human as their savior either!"

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