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The Sura-Asura Emergency Meeting that was held the next day was tense. Summer had begun, the oppressive heat seeped into Indra's court where Rudhira and I awaited our punishment. 

On one side, the Suras were seated and on the other side, the Asuras. Out of courtesy to the Asura King, Indra did not sit in his elevated throne and sat right beside Vrishaparva. 

Vrishaparva spoke first and addressed the gathering, "I am deeply ashamed of my son's vulgar behaviour. He has brought disgrace to both the Sura and Asura. He has acted unworthy of his Crown Prince status. Therefore, I revoke my son's Crown Prince title. I condemn him to a year in Asura prison" 

Murmurs ran across the hall followed by many nods of approval. Rudhira looked agonized at the discontent in his father's eyes. Seeing his anguish, I felt anger boiling in my veins, I said, "Forgive my impudence, O Sura and Asura Kings, but he is not the one at fault here. He is a guest at Amaravati and as the Sura host, I should have behaved better. I allowed my feelings to cloud my judgement." 

Vrishaparva raised his eyebrows in surprise and admiration at my public defence of his son. Rudhira vehemently intervened, "No, she is completely faultless in all this. The blame lies entirely on me, she has been a diligent host. I mistook her kindness to be an invitation because of my own promiscuous history" 

Uncle Chandra and my mother seemed impressed and amazed at how Rudhira openly tried to protect me. 

I shook my head, "The past is in the past and what do you mean by promiscuity? If we are going to judge people only by their carnal history, then, none of the Suras or Asuras can be exempted" 

I felt satisfaction on seeing obvious discomfort on the faces of everyone else at this blunt truth. 

Indra and Vrishaparva cleared their throats and Indra added "My dear girl, as much as I admire your guts, I have to ask. What makes you think that you are not going to be punished? Don't you know that intimate relationships of any form are forbidden between Suras and Asuras?"

"I know" I said, "Please consider the fact that we have found our soulmates in each other" 

Indra and Vrishaparva glanced slyly at an embarrassed Chandra. Indra laughed "Using your father's lines to get out trouble, are we? You have inherited Chandra's silver tongue. However, that was a different case. Chandra loved a Sura woman, though a married one. You have chosen to love an Asura man"

"The difference in the merits of both cases" intervened Vrishaparva, "is as vast as that of sky and earth. You are not permitted to love an Asura and vice versa. Yours is a case of a forbidden relationship."

"Father" Rudhira said, "You yourself have stated that during the Peace Summits, both Suras and Asuras are permitted to engage in carnal relations" 

"Yes" Vrishaparva said, "Carnal relations, not a romantic relationship. How can the two compare? Fine, are you willing to be intimate with each other for one night and forget one another for eternity?" 

"NO!" Rudhira and Mallika shouted in unison. 

"That is precisely the problem" Indra remarked, "The fact that you two do not wish to end your acquaintanceship after spending a night together. You have already broken the sacred law of Sura and Asura when you chose to grow closer in the past six months" 

"Lord Brihaspati" asked Indra, "What do you think is the fitting punishment for your daughter?" 

"I recommend that she should be branded and put under house arrest for a year" my father said. Despite my show of indifference, the displeasure in his eyes hurt me. 

"Noted" Indra acknowledged, "I sentence Mallika to be branded here and now in the presence of the assembled Suras and Asuras in this court. I order that she be confined to her chambers in her house for a period of one year" 

My punishment was to be executed by the God of Death, Lord Yama's men, the dreaded Yamadutas. Two Yamadutas held my hands each and I was made to kowtow on the marble floor.

Rudhira shouted, "Mallika!"  I saw from peripheral vision that he ran towards me. However, he was firmly held back by four of the Asura bodyguards of his father. He knocked all of them unconcious with a single blow each and rushed towards me. 

"Rudhira!" bellowed Vrishaparva, "If you have any sense of respect for me, stop this nonsense! There is always a penalty for breaking a law, it is inevitable. Do not jeopardize the centuries of diplomatic hardwork that was done to build an understanding between Suras and Asuras"

Rudhira stilled on hearing these words but I could see his teary eyes were riveted to mine. "It's okay" I whispered and hissed in pain when the hot iron made contact with my bare skin. 

Even though I was the one whose flesh was being singed, it was Rudhira who was sobbing inconsolably. After the Yamadutas released me, Rudhira closed the distance between us. He knelt beside me and held me comfortingly in his arms while his tears wet the top of my head. 

I felt myself lose consciousness and the last thing I heard was Rudhira frantically calling my name. 

I woke up and gingerly felt the right side of my upper back. The wound was treated and the pain had subsided considerably. 

"You're awake!" the voice was familiar, I turned around to see Devasena, "I heard about what happened. It was unfortunate that Skanda and I were traveling during this incident"

"Rudhira was led away by the Asuras. On his way out, he gave a letter to Skanda who was just returning to my father's court. Skanda told me to urgently pass this to you" 

She handed me the letter and as I read it, I could hear Rudhira's deep voice in my head reading the words off the page. 

"The sky is the limit, Mallika!

I will attach a rough map of Hiranyapura. 

The Palace facing the east is mine.  

If you ever find it too suffocating at your place, 

Use these wings to fly and experience freedom. 

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