First Meeting

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"Mallika!" my mother's voice rang with authority, I started from the bed, I knew she was searching for me. 

"Mallika!" the shout rang a second time, more insistent. I knew I would be dead if I didn't show up. I rushed down the stairs and presented myself before Mother. 

"What took you so long?" Mother snapped at me, "You know the Annual Summit of Suras and Asuras is today and you are not yet ready?" 

"I will be, in a moment" I said, Mother sighed and picked out my clothes and accessories. 

The maids quickly helped me to get ready. I was clad in ivory white uttariya, antariya and sthanapatta. The maids braided my hair and entwined a snow white jasmine garland around it. Jewellery made of diamonds pearls and gold hung from my throat, hair, arms and legs. 

A Few Hours Later

We waited at the topmost step of Amaravati to greet the Asura Delegation. The spring season wove its magic with aromatic blossoms and bewitching colours. 

Irrespective of the millenniums of bitter relations between Suras and Asuras, we were expected to be on best behaviour during the Summit. 

Indra's palace in Amaravati was the most magnificent palace in all of Swarga. Made of pure white marble with a breadth covering three million buildings of the three million gods. There were thousands of trees in Amaravati and the palace of Indra was festooned with beautiful flowers.  

All the Suras were dressed to their best in their sacred colour, white and wore celestial jewels. The Sura banners floated with the rising breeze. Snow white flags with bluish gray clouds, a golden sun and an ivory moon painted on them.  

Suddenly, conch shells, trumpets and drums rang loud and clear. An announcer announced, "THE ASURA DELEGATION IS HERE!" 

My mother squeezed my arm, "Go!" she whispered. 

As the daughter of the Preceptor of the Gods, I was expected to lead the other Sura women in welcoming our guests. I held a golden platter in my hands with kumkum, haldi, sandalwood paste, rosewater, flowers and aarti. 

I waited nervously when I felt a soft whisper beside my ear, "Relax"

I turned to the side to see the Princess of the Suras, Devasena, standing beside me. 

"It's okay to be nervous but don't show it. The Suras should put up a confident front before the Asuras for this Summit to be a success" she said, "You carry a lot of weight on your shoulders for being the daughter of the Preceptor of the Gods. I can completely empathize with you and I relate to you."

I nodded and smiled gratefully, I knew how difficult the life of the Princess of the Suras must be. It was sweet of Devasena to try to reassure me on this big day. 

I turned to the front and saw the Asuras, clad in their sacred colour, midnight blue, walking up the steps of Amaravati. They held their deep blue banners which had a painting of a mountain in the centre, surrounded by silvery waves. I could hear their chanting as they walked forward thumping their banners, "HAIL VRITRA! May Sumeru Always Prosper!!!"

At the very front, there was Asura King, Vrishaparva. Behind him, was his son, but banners blocked my view of him. 

I could hear the Devas, behind me, chanting equally deafeningly, "HAIL INDRA! May Amaravati Always Prosper!!!" 

I sighed to Devasena, "This seems more like a war and less like a peace summit" She winked at me and burst into laughter, "I agree with you" she nodded. I was starting to like this girl more.


The Asura King, Vrishaparva, arrived at the last step and I welcomed him with aarti. I bowed and touched his feet to take his blessings. Indra welcomed him with open arms and the two enemy Kings embraced each other like long-lost brothers.


I raised my eyebrows, Shatrujit!? Wow! That was really impressive. The name meant Victorious Over Enemies! It is widely known that Asura Crown Prince, Rudhirasara, was a famous War Hero and a Conqueror. 

I was curious to see what he would look like, this man whose name inspired dread among the Suras. When I saw him, my breath stopped for a few moments. My heart beat wildly against my chest. What an exceptionally handsome man!  

His skin was the colour of cinnamon. He was giant of a man with powerful muscles across his body. His ruby red eyes had black vertical pupils like a cat's. His hair hung in thick ebony ringlets up to his shoulders. He had thick square eyebrows, aquiline nose, plump sensual lips, dimple chin and jawline so defined that it could cut. He wore a midnight blue uttariya and antariya with matching silver, sapphires and a garland of deep blue lotuses around his throat. 

Devasena elbowed me in the ribs and I came back to the present. I blinked and saw that he was looking down at me with a wicked smile, as if he could guess my thoughts. Blushing, I quickly did an aarti and put kumkum on his forehead, "Welcome!" I stuttered. 

"A pleasure to meet you, miss..." I bit my lower lip and refused to give my name. "Mallika! Navamallika!" Devasena supplied from the side, laughing and I glared at her. 

"Mallika" he finished.  

"Wish I could say the same" I hissed, so that only he and Devasena can hear me, "Rudhirasara

"Rudhira. Just Rudhira, please" he replied, with a mischievous grin. 

I huffed but his gaze was magnetic and kept me rooted to the spot. His eyes were piercing holes into me with their intensity. His crooked grin held many sensual promises. 

"Mallika!" the voice broke through my reverie. I turned around to see my father, the Preceptor of the Gods, Brihaspati, coming down the stairs to greet the Asura Crown Prince. 

"Welcome!" my father said, in his booming voice. He led the way and thankfully, Rudhira followed him, releasing me from the prison of his gaze. 

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