Growing Closer

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Six Months Later 

If someone asked me years ago if I would ever have grown closer to an Asura, I would have laughed. Yet, Fate has a way of playing inexplicable games with us. 

Tonight, while I laid under the moon, with an Asura Prince by my side, I realize how shallow prejudice can be. 

After our first meeting at the Peace Summit, Rudhira found a new excuse to meet me. At the end of the Peace Summit, just before the Asuras were leaving, he suggested an Envoy exchange programme. This was received positively by both the Suras and the Asuras. As per this plan, Sura and Asura would exchange an Envoy who will be staying with the opposite party. Rudhira volunteered from the Asura side and Jayantha from the Sura side. A formal agreement was made and fixed for six months. 

During this time, we have grown significantly closer and exchanged so much personal information. There are no secrets between us. He has told me everything about himself and the Asuras. I have shown him every corner of Amaravati and he has interacted pleasantly with everyone here.  

As we lay under the moon together on the last day of the six month period, Rudhira asked me, "Mallika, when I was a child, I used to think that since Yakshas, Kindevas, Suparnas, Kimpurushas and Nagas are associated with the Suras, they must also live in Amaravati" 

"Same!" I laughed, "I used to think that the supporters of the Asuras such as Rakshasas, Prethaas, Pishachas, Bhuta and Vetalas must be living in Hiranyapura" 

He chuckled, "It was only when I became a teenager that I realized that all of them live in the mortal realm" 

"They worship us but they cannot enter Amaravati or Hiranyapura. I sometimes think they are lucky to be able to coexist with the mortals and interact with them" I sighed. 

"I know, I feel the same sometimes" he nodded, "The Asuras are supposed to supervise their supporters from overstepping their boundaries and the same goes for the Suras"

"I never realized how we, Sura and Asura, both must exist to maintain harmony across the realms" I said in wonder, "Believe it or not, I used to think that the Asura supporters on mortal realm had free reign to harm mortals" 

Rudhira shook his head, "No" he said, firmly, "The Asura and Sura supporters are free to wage war against each other if they wish. However, none of the Asura supporters are allowed to harm mortals.  When some of them cross their limits and hurt mortals, we Asuras completely refuse to help them even when the Sura supporters kill them" 

 I smiled and nodded, "You know, Rudhira, I used to believe that our supporters, whether Sura or Asura ones, are immortals like us!" 

"I thought the same back then!" he grinned, "You have no idea how disappointed I was as a teenager to note that they are not immortals. I was even more hurt when I realized that Asuras or Suras cannot interact with the mortals."

"I know, that is so unfair!" I whined, "I mean, our supporters on mortal realm can directly interact with them in a peaceful manner but we can only interact with the mortals indirectly through our supporters!"

"Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a mortal?" I asked. 

"I have heard that because they can die, they value the beauty of life so much more than us. Each day is precious to the mortals - whether it be our supporters or the human mortals" he said. 

"Each emotion is felt more intensely when one is mortal, isn't it? You passionately love your loved ones because you know there might not be a tomorrow. You deeply grieve the loss of your loved ones knowing they will never ever return!" I whispered. 

"Love between two immortals is nothing compared to the love between two mortals. When we are immortal, our love is just a droplet in the vast ocean. When we are mortals, love becomes like colossal waves of a tsunami, sweeping you away and drowning you in its endless depths!" he purred. 

"Rudhira, I wish I could experience the life of a mortal." I said, "I want to feel alive with every pore of my body. I want to love as if it is my last day on earth" 

"Mallika, if you become a mortal, all your memories in the celestial realm will be wiped clean. You will have completely forgotten me" he teased. 

 "How could I?" I laughed, "Even if I suffer amnesia, I would still love you through the lifetimes" 

There was a sudden silence from the other side, I turned towards him. He leaned forward and gently kissed me on the lips. He stroked my cheek softly with the back of his knuckles. 

I drew closer to him and leaned in on his chest, I brought my face closer to his until we were nose to nose, "Kiss me more" I murmured. 

He laughed and seemed pleasantly surprised. He cupped my face in his palms, "Do you have prior experience kissing? Depending on your answer, I will pace myself. I don't want to overwhelm you"

"Unfortunately, none. The daughter of Brihaspati, Preceptor of the Suras is expected to be a paragon of abstinence" I rolled my eyes. 

"It is the same for the children of Shukra, the Preceptor of the Asuras. I find it rather unfair that the Preceptors' progeny are expected to be prudes. While the other Asuras and Suras indulge as they wish, in wine and sensual pleasures" he said. 

I glared at him, "I bet since you are Royalty, you will have even more freedom?" 

"Yes" he chuckled, enjoying my jealousy. 

When I pouted pettily, Rudhira laughed and said "That was in the past, Mallika, before I met you. Now that I have, I don't think anyone else can take your place."

"Why?" I asked, curiously. 

"Because love is born from the unison of minds, not bodies alone. You and I have mated with our minds. We helped each other grow beyond the biases we were brainwashed with. Our union is built on mutual respect, understanding and trust" 

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