Chapter 3: The Prank

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Nole adjusted himself, "I think those people are still alive. And are trapped someone in some alternate dimension. They can't get out and have been stuck there ever since."

James looked at Nole as if he had lost his mind. "What are you talking about man? 

Nole's eyes got hard and he gripped the side of the couch.

"Dude, I don't know. I'm not supposed to say anything but...please don't think I'm crazy..."

There was hesitation in his voice.

James sensed it.

"Spit it out. The anticipation is killing me."

Nole got up and went to the back of the basement. James could hear noise of clanking and him rummaging around for something.

He came back carrying some sort of object.

"I found this in the woods a couple months ago. Didn't think much of it until recently...when I started hearing voices."

James eyes got wide, "voices?"

"Yeah man, voices." The last word hung in the air like stale bread nobody wanted to taste.

James got up and started pacing back and forth. Confused yet oddly curious. And afraid.

"So, what do you mean you could hear voices?"

Nole glanced down at the old camera he had found. There was no rust or damage to it, almost as if someone had taken it out of time and placed it in the woods for him to find.

It was a solid black color with a long rim at the end. There was a turning tool on the side with a crank. 

Nole had no idea how to use this thing.

"It looks brand new."

Nole passed it to James who carefully picked it up as to not break it. 

This thing was old

Was this the real deal?

Could this be from back then?

Could those people still be alive and trapped?

So many thoughts were rushing through James's head. Too many questions and not nearly enough answers.

"Wait, so...where were you when you heard these voices? And who were they?"

Nole sighed and scratched the back of his head.

"Well, I was down in the basement looking for something I forget what but I started to hear muffling sounds, like talking."

"At first, I thought it was my mom or something but then I realized that the voices were closer to me."

James sat down on the couch again and started biting his nail. He was staring off into space now, thinking.

"And well, I thought I was hearing things until one of the voices said my name. That's what really got me freaked out."

James shot his head up.

"Your name? You heard your name?" His voice cracked, almost in disbelief.

Noel nodded.

"Clear as day. It was faint though but I heard it. It sounded like a female. She asked for help."

"It was the weirdest experience of my life."

James paused.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

Nole sat down on the couch too, taking a swig of his energy drink.

"Because man, everyone would have thought I was crazy."

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