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Time moved in slow motion as Tilly was pushed through the hospital on a bed, the doctors rushing to get her into a room. Finn followed close behind, Ada at his side.

"Mr Shelby you cannot come any further," A doctor placed a hand on his chest, stopping him outside the hospital room. "No, i have to be in there, she needs me!" he argued.

"Finn, come on." Ada said calmly, holding his arm. "Let's go get you some food, yeah. And we will call Tommy."

"Fuck Tommy, Ada. Fuck them all," he croaked, shoving his hands into his pockets and storming back the other way. Ada stood, defeated and watched her little brother walk off.

She wasn't alone for long though. David had returned from Liverpool after getting on the next train.

"Where is she?" He asked, looking around. "She's being seen to, you cannot go in. Doctors orders." Ada stopped him. "What happened?"

"Finn found her on the bedroom floor, he said she was freezing cold when he found her. David she looked dead." Ada lowered her voice, the red lipstick that was previously neat, now slightly smudged.

"Finn? Why was he there?" David asked.

"Your girlfriend has just overdosed and you're more worried about why Finn was at the house. Be thankful he was otherwise there'd have been no chance of saving her and you'd have found her dead next Tuesday." Ada snapped at him.

David lowered his head and sat down, his knee bouncing anxiously.

Only minutes later, the rest of the Shelby family stormed through the hospital, Arthur dragging Finn by his sleeve.

"What on earth," Ada muttered. "How'd you all get here so quick?"

"We're the Shelby's, we can do anything." Polly shrugged, earning a scoff from David.

"You got something to say, eh?" John turned his head to David who stared at them all. "Oi, i'm talking to you." John said angrily. "All right, John boy." Arthur scolded, pulling him back by his collar.

John smacked Arthur's arm and Polly stared at them with a cold look. Finn shoved past them all and sat beside Ada who placed her arm around his shoulders.

"She'll be alright, Finn. I'm sure of it. She survived bein with you," Ada teased lightly, trying to make him laugh. He scoffed in a joking way and leaned into his older sister, tiredness falling over him.

David stood, sniffing and taking his coat from the chair beside him. "Someone call me if they get her awake," he said bluntly, knocking into John's shoulder and leaving the room. "Don't like him," Arthur stated, "he's not good for our Tilly. He ain't."

Tommy sighed and paced the room. "How did nobody see this coming?"

"Hold on a minute Tom, you can't blame us for this," John frowned, pointing a finger at him. Polly stopped them. "This is nobody's fault. That girl in there has got depression and a mild case of bipolar, she cannot help her impulsive decisions." Polly told them.

"Let me guess, got them of 'er mother?" Arthur asked.

"She did. And the only thing that we can take the blame for is not helping her earlier. When Janice died. Or even when her father died."

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