Chapter 69: Fifth Year Going Strong

Start from the beginning

As Sam cast me a discouraged look, Tati caught my eye, rushing up the table, and stopping short by her sister with an urgent look in her dark eyes.

"What do you want?"

Sam didn't look entirely pleased to be interrupted from her breakfast a second time. But her sister wasn't really giving her an option on the topic.

"The girls didn't listen to me and now Rebecca and Lottie have books for Divination while I bought books for ruddy Ancient Runes!"

"What do you want me to do about it?"

"I don't know!" squeaked Tati with frustration. "But Snape's coming and I don't know what to tell him."

"Tell him you have two thick-headed friends."


"What's going on?" I asked, lowering my cup. Sam gave me a shake of the head in warning but Tati was already going off.

"My friends and I were talking over the summer about which two additional classes we should add now that we're fourth years and I remember deciding on Muggle Studies and Ancient Runes. And I thought we as a group had too but—"

"Oh Tati, did you forget to write them about it?" Sam sighed, dragging a hand through her unruly hair. "You did this to yourself. Just deal with it."

"But I don't want to sit in a class alone without my friends!"

"Easy solution," I said, stopping the sister's bickering short. "Just hand me your copy of Ancient Runes and I'll give you my copy of Divination. It's the same textbook as last year, right?"

"Ava," Sam warned but Tati had already clapped her hands excitedly.

"That's brilliant. Yes, please thank you, Ava! I'll pick it up after breakfast."

I hid my smile in my cup as Tati walked off with a new pep in her step leaving me with a pair of dark eyes glaring at me.

"Oh and so now I'm the one without a friend through Divination?"

I smiled beside myself as I picked at my muffin, catching a glance at where Snape was in the lineup not too far from us.

"You will have Ginny and besides, I've been in her situation before. It's no fun."

"And yet you're willing to do it again? What's Tati done to get you all sweet all of a sudden?"

I feigned deaf and turned in time to see Snape stop short in front of me in a whirl of black fabric.

"Miss Fountaine," Snape's cool drawl of a voice sounded with as much joy as a grey lens. "And Miss Spencer.... As incoming fifth years you will both have one on one meetings with myself within the coming days to discuss your futures should you make it to graduation."

"Should?" Sam repeated but Snape had already drawn out a blank schedule and looked to me.

"Your meeting times will be on the Slytherin bulletin by this afternoon and in the meantime, Miss Fountaine, your core classes along with your NEWT level potions course are as follows. What of your electives?"

I told him to change my divination class and to add choir which stirred another raised brow from my raven-haired friend across the table. I watched as he drew up my schedule with a swift touch of his wand without comment and hand the parchment my way before turning to my friend.

"And Miss Spencer..."

"Professor?" I spoke up, sending both Sam and Snape's dark stares back towards me. "If I were to seek a meeting with the headmaster, how should I go about it?"

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