The Titanium Ninja

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3rd POV:

On a comet with no light, only filled with darkness, ninjas are seen being swarmed by a colony of beetles, and all of them struggle to fight against it.

Groaning and grunting in frustration as they did so.

They failed to do a task that could've saved people's lives in their city.

Once again, they felt helpless.

Just like before.

Kai struggles against the parasites that keep swarming around them. "These bugs just keep coming. We are going nowhere."

"Nya, there's no way we're getting off this planet. Any last words, my darling?" The way Jay said it was in a cringey loving tone.

"How about "It was always you, Cole. I won't be able to carry on without you."" Cole then adds.

Lyric lets out an exasperated groan at their antics as she watches from a distance from where the guys are.

"Now is not the time for that! Can't I care for both of you? Now just don't give up." Nya chided on the com.

Lyric once more lets out a breath. "Good grief."

"My dad was right, I should've never given up my Golden Power. We could have all been home. Now the Overlord has all he needs to become the Golden Master."

"Lloyd." Lyric hissed at him.

Dad chimed in agreement. "Don't say that. I was wrong. You must trust your friends. Trust yourself."

"Dad's right." Lyric quickly went beside him while blasting some parasites out of the way as she took hold of his shoulder. "Besides, you're not the only one who lost such powers." she grins as she gives his shoulder a little nudge.

He turns to her with a small smile as he gives her a side hug. "You're right. Thanks, lil sis." Then giving her a gentle kiss on her forehead.

The rare and sweet moments of the Garmadon twins.

"They've returned with the Golden Weapons. It's only a matter of time." Pixal informs, breaking the moment.

" Search for the power within, then realize the greatness within each other." Sensei Wu assured, his words once again full of wisdom.

"He's right. We can get off this planet." Lloyd agrees determinedly.

Kai asks. "What about your green and purple power, twins?"

Zane interjects. "It's too far. They'll never be able to keep his focus that long."

Cole sighs. "No one happens to have a build-your-own-rocket-kit handy, do they?"

Lloyd was silent for a moment but then suddenly laughed in realization, an idea in mind. "Whoa. That's it!"

"You have a build-your-own-rocket-kit?" Jay and Lyric questioned in unison.

Lloyd shakes his head. "No, but we can make one. Arcturus may not fly, but she'll give us all the metal we need. And Zane knows this solar system better than anyone."

"And Kai's Fire could weld the missing parts." Zane.

"Cole's manpower and Lyric's floating music ability could do all the heavy lifting." Kai.

"Jay has enough electricity and nerd knowledge to make a halfway believable spacecraft." Cole.

Jay laughs more confidently, offended at first by what Cole stated though. "Haha. Hey!- Hey. This could actually work."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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