Enter the Digiverse

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3rd Pov:

The two were forced inside a cylinder space and then it was time. 

Their powers were being drained, they felt as if a part of them was being forcefully pulled out, which is technically what was happening. 

"Soon you will be utterly powerless. And I will escape this digital prison and become whole, and nothing will stop me from becoming the Golden Master!" The Overlord proclaimed. 

The two were in separate cylinders. Lloyd is leaning on the glass trying to resist the urge to give in to the Overlord. 

Lyric on the other hand was suffering far worse. Earlier the Overlord wanted the necklace that was on Lyric and tried to take it but as it says, only with the Guardian's consent can the necklace be taken. 

So they instead did something in order to maybe take the necklace. They put an electric choker around her so she could give in and take the necklace off herself. 

Now, she was laying in the corner, trying to pry off the choker on her neck that was activated since they put it on her. 

The electrocution was weak but painful, it was like her throat was suffocating her. She couldn't breathe and to add to that her power was being drained from her. 

She can barely keep her eyes peeled.

Lloyd still having a bit of strength left, turned to his sister. He wanted to help her, reach out to her, but the fact that he can't even do that to himself proved how useless and weakhe was. 

"Lyric." He called out in a small tone, enough for Lyric to hear his voice. 

She opened one of her eyes and held her hand out to him. "Lloyd." 

Seeing this, Pythor with a menacing grin, increased the electrocution in Lyric's neck by ten percent. 

"Ahh!" Her eyes widened as she yelped and curled up, her knees on her chest and her hands surrounding her neck midair. 

Lloyd was angered by this and kept knocking on the glass screaming insults at Pythor. 

"Lyric! You dying snake, stop it! Are you of a coward that you can't fight me without these pathetic gadgets!? Get me out of here!" The unknown strength that suddenly possessed Lloyd was immense that made both Pythor and The Overlord amused. 

"Turn it down." The Overlord ordered. 

Pythor complied and decreased the percentage as Lyric relaxes a bit when the pain was slowly becoming bearable. 

The once-angered Lloyd also relaxed as he saw his sister back to her position before she curled up. Now back was the trembling and weak Lloyd with his little strength still there but faint. 


"He who holds the power has a tremendous obligation. You must be prepared to handle this journey alone. Even without me one day." Lloyd thought in his mind as he continued to struggle. 

" You are all alone, Golden and Silver Ninja. Nothing can save you now." The Overlord laughs evilly. 


"I am not alone. I am not alone." Lloyd chanted as he was now on his knees. 

"I'm not alone. I'm not alone.' Lyric chanted in her head, she was tempted to take off her necklace and give in but when suddenly a familiar voice, well voices sounded in her head. 

"You're/ You are not alone, Lyric/Lyr" 

As this continued on, Lloyd saw the body of where the Overlord has prepared to get up. 

Book 2: The Sacrifice (Book 2 of the Other Garmadon- Season 3-4) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora