Epilogue + Extras

Start from the beginning

As he was waiting for his answer, to his dismay the President confirmed his dread.

"Hold on, wait a moment. President mind explaining to us what's fully going on since this have been throwing us out of the loop this whole time." The treasurer complained.

"Apologies Yuuka. I'll explain the details." The girl spoke as she open

As the meeting went on with the president disclosing her findings from the Ruins, which was supposed to be, as stated by the Treasurer before, forbidden from entering and or research on that location. The Seminar president's reason for gathering information on that place had become valid as the possibility of Millennium coming under threat by those prophets.

With some of the supposed Prophets that should've been destroyed and shut down had been restored and revived by the ninth Prophet of Foundation, Yesod. It didn't help as Sensei asked the situation on Hub, garnering the attention of the rest with Rio also explaining that Hub had also been hacked by Decagrammaton.

Though Hub, or now known as Hod, still haven't made any moves yet, Rio assured them that if there's any chance that Hod goes rogue, she and Schale already took measures in case that happens.

With the meeting concluding on the implementation of the Academy's security and other things. Yuuka and the Secretary known as Noa, left the room after the mentally exhausting meeting. Yuuka who had barely any sleep looked worse as she came out.

As the maids who were along with them, they were briefed on their next mission to locate and dismantle Yesod with the help of the President's Paranormal Research Club. For now, they should wait for the results before they go into the ruins. After they left the room, the only figures left were Sensei and the Seminar's President, Rio.

While the President, organizes her things, Sensei strike up a casual conversation.

"Hello Rio."

"Enough with the small talk Sensei. Go straight to the point."

"You're the same as ever huh?" He scratched the back of his head, this caused him to receive a narrow glance from the girl as he backed off a bit as she was still distant from him as he could remember, "Sorry, sorry. I just wanted to pick up where we left of before we started the meeting."

"You mean Kodou? Her presence means nothing to me but given her talents, it would be beneficial to have her in the Seminar. Didn't I already stated that when Yuuka asked me the reason why I added her?"

"You did say that..."

"Then what reaction are you expecting, Sensei."

"I don't know? Maybe excited? happy? After all it's been a long time you two saw each other."

Since the man before her wouldn't relent unless she had given him an answer he would accept, she sighed as she said said, "If you want an honest reaction, then I would be confused as to why her name is misspelled like that."

"Hm? I thought her name meant along the lines of far, spring and child?"

"That is correct but her name is spelled Kyoharu Kodou (距春 子どう) meaning distant spring child not Kyoharu Kodou (虚春子遠) with random placement and kanjis that coincidentally had similar meaning." She coldly explained.

"Wait really...?" Realizing his mistake, he panicked a bit as the name had been made official from the Kivotos Citizen Database.

"Sensei your inconsistency is a sight to behold. You can be quite capable as to plan and hinder Decagrammaton and the Prophets' movements yet for someone with your caliber, you still misspell a person's name that will stick to her lifetime." She said sarcastically.

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