Dear To, Those Who Will Listen

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Dear To, Those Who Will Listen,

I'm so tired, I don't know how much longer I can go.

I tired of myself, tried of life, tired of all the things that come with it. I just want to sleep, but now, even my dreams taunt me to the great extent that of a nightmare. I wish for nothing; I just want peace.

Is that really hard to ask for?

I don't want to feel, I want to live in a world without me. Could that even happen? Is it impossible? Sometimes I feel like throwing myself away. I want to scream, I want to cry, and I want to yell- but I'm holding back.

"Don't waste your tears because you don't deserve to cry. Instead, you should be happy of the outcome of what you've done. It's all your fault."

That's what I've heard, that's what stuck in my head. It's all my fault, I'm the problem. I'm the burden and I will be the disappointment. Oh, nevermind- I already am.

I'm so sick and tired, I just want to disappear.

From me, someone who's empty and alone.

Eunoia • Book TwoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz