A Meteor Shower

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I watched her sparkling doe eyes admire the nightly sky, a meteor shower that the heavens cast upon us mere humans. Her lips smiled at peace- something I wish I could be.

I had to do it, I told myself. I wouldn't get out if I didn't.

The sky painted with beautiful creations the heavens sent for us, wishes to be made- but her wish, just wasn't going to be fulfilled. Not today, not tomorrow either.

Just one more and I'm free.

"You can come out now, I'm ready." She whispered, the heaven's show was finished, a satisfied look rested on her pretty face. I was shocked to say the least, but she was ready. It seems like she almost understood my side of the story.

I took a step forward, holding the knife in my hand, her back still facing me.

"When I go, I hope I go out just as beautifully." Her voice filled that chilling silence in the air, I wanted to hear more- to listen to it forever.

She will forever be beautiful in my eyes.

I didn't say a word, I just listened. I loved her voice, but she didn't know yet it seemed like she knew without knowing.

"Come join me. I know this is the end. Why spend it alone?"

She turned to me, looking at me with those eyes. Knowing that even the stars had friends.

I obeyed, standing next to her, the knife still in my left-hand limp to my side. I didn't feel guilty but still, I hesitated.

"Do you think I will shine as brightly as them?" She asked, her voice in a whisper as she looked at the sky with a mix of emotions, sadness and admiration. But she was brave, she was daring.

She's strong.

I didn't answer her question but spoke for the first time tonight, "It's time."

Her head turned to face mine, as I watched her. Trying to read through her facade, understanding what went on in that pretty head of hers.

She was a mystery, an addicting one.

Somedays it made me frustrated, others, I felt something new. Something only she made me feel. And the bad thing was, I wanted more. But wanting more was just a dream.

One of my own desires.

It's time, I reminded myself, tightening the grip around the knife.

Plunging the knife through her stomach, taking hold of her small frame quickly before she fell to the ground. I watched as her face remained at peace, as if she wasn't in pain. I watched her eyes bore into mine as she seemed to be thanking me silently.

I wanted to break, show her that it was hurting me more than it even hurt her. But I didn't dare flinch and held her in my arms, cradling her like a lover would.

Her breathes slowed as her body turned cold with every passing minute. And not once did I take my eyes off hers as the light dimmed in them. No longer will I see those doe black eyes again. No longer will I see those bright smiles that hid all the pain and suffering.

I was doing her favour by taking her out of this world, but I wanted to show her how much life could yet offer. Yet my mind was loyal to my captor, and she was the key to my freedom.

"T-Thank you," She whispered, and one more shooting star falls from the sky.

She was going to be happy now, free.

And that was her wish I granted, freedom and happiness in the afterlife.

Eunoia • Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now