A Lesson I Learnt

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With admiration and love, I looked at you.
The desire to protect, comfort and please you overpowered me.
I loved every moment we spent together, cherished it to the fullest.

But little did I know, I lost myself with every passing minute.
And I look back at those times I call 'precious'.
To see that, you didn't the deserve me.

And I thought differently, that's how blinded I was.
I thought I was the lucky one, to be with you.
When it's really the opposite in playing, you were.

I was all that of good to you,
Nothing I did spoke differently.
Everyone warned me, advised me about you.

Yet I chose to not believe them, not to listen.
Because I saw you as perfect and good, not as they did.
And it turns out that I was dangerously wrong.

And because of that, I've been hurt.
I've also learnt a valuable lesson.
And yes, to those out there- Karma is awesome.

Believe me in these words, I write from truths.
Love blinds the eyes from seeing what is really true.
So listen to the words of your advisers as it may be true.

Trust is earned before love and all.
And for it to truly be love, sacrifices come along.
Take heed of my words, for I am not lying.

I've lost and won many things in this great journey.
Discovered different sides of people,
And untold truths which will pain but will make you gain.

And yes chicas, karma is freaking awesome ;)

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