Beautiful Scars

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"Show me your scars, please tesoro." He said, looking at her with soft yet sad eyes. But as always, being the overthinker she was, she couldn't help but think that he pitied her and maybe sooner or later, if she does this now, he'd leave; just like all the others.

"But why?" She whispered, looking down as she suddenly felt like a test subject being examined very closely by many- not one, but many doctors. Lifting her head up to meet his ocean-like eyes, he smiled at her. One which lifted her spirits and one that gave her the collywobbles.

"Because I want to see how many times you needed me, and I wasn't there..." He whispered; his lips close to hers. "...I want to see how strong you were all those times, so now I can show you how beautiful they are, just like you showed me to mine."

She looked at him through teary eyes, a gaze that held shock and an unsure emotion. A soft smile grazed his lips as he looked at her shocked expression, "What? I was only telling the truth." He whispered, as she looked at him with an unknown feeling that blossomed within her heart.

"I- But why? You can just leave like the rest of them, can't you?"

"Yes, I can. But you're mia vita e non posso perderti. Sei troppo prezioso per me ora."

"...what'd you just say?" She asked, tilting her head slightly to the side as she was confused to the sentence he just fluently spoke in beautiful language of Italian. He chuckled, putting a loose strand of her raven black hair behind her small ear.

"I want to show you how bright that darkness you hold within you can be. Not because it's labelled as a 'darkness' doesn't mean that it can become brighter. Didn't a once wise person tell me that before?"

A smile tugged at her lips as a small laugh escaped her, it was her he was talking about. She did tell him that when he stood in the middle of his self-created chaos. She was there to help him overcome his inner demons and now, he wanted to the do the same for her. Be it love or care, respect or loyalty, this was something precious to both of them.

Looking at him, emotions swirling her brown orbs, she looked deep into the windows to his soul. Trying to read what he thought of right now. "Okay, show me that light."

"Per te- per noi, lo farò."

Eunoia • Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now