Unknown Explanations, Emotions

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How do I tell someone the things I feel when I can't possibly explain it myself?

I can be happy one minute because of the littlest of things, and then, sad because of some unknown reason. It's confusing, frustrating at times. Perhaps, this is some kind of punishment for my existence on this planet we call 'Earth'. Or I'm just being a burden to myself, like any other. I do wish to talk to someone, someone who I know will listen- but that task isn't easy as it seems.

Explaining it is one thing, but would they believe me. For all I know they might think I'm being pathetic or insane, or then again, could be laughing at me behind my back. There's no one I see trustworthy of telling the unknown truths behind these actions because once the judgement of others begins; there is no stopping.

But then again, is it just me or is there something wrong to me?

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