I'd Always Love You

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There are many things I can tell you that I like- not only like but love about you. But if I were to do it, it's pages- maybe a book, but not now. Let's do the basics, or just some. I like that you're relaxed most of the times even when you want to beat the shit out of someone. You understand me even when something's wrong and I don't say. 

You always manage to make me smile just by talking about the most random of shit- sometimes, we don't know what to talk about and you'd start talking, it makes me forget how boring I can be at times, but oh well.

Moving on, as you've said- I try to make others happy and put them first instead of myself, you aren't too far from there either. Stop that, you do it as well and sometimes, way more than I do. It took me a while to realize this but, you're my anchor to this world- not him, it was you all along and I can't express how grateful I am to have you here. For you to be in my life, to not run away when I'm at my worst in someways or the other.

I'm so thankful to have you here, never leave me alone and I can promise you the same because you're my brother, blood or not- I'd always love you.

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