Episode 25/3X8 Ruby Rose

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Ruby: wooohohooo~! Yeah~!

Eren: who's she?

Ruby: sorry I'm late, Demons EEEVERYwhere😋!

Izuku: who are you?

Ruby: ah right. Names Ruby Rose of team RWBY

Jin: kicks wasn't her uncle at U.A?

Ruby: he was. So. Need help?

Izuku: a lot of it

Tanjiro: dammit. More coming!

Izuku: ok. Ruby you help Tanjiro, Jin your with me

Tanjiro+Ruby+Jin: HAI!

Ruby rushes forward with Tanjiro and slashes Demons liel crazy

Zack: 💭SHIT💢💭

Ruby: slash hey there~!

Zack: thanks. You are?

Ruby: names Ruby

Zack: nice scythe

Ruby: thanks. So, we're gonna stop these things right?

Zack: grins hell yeah

Junko: hiding Salem! That Rose girl is here!

Salem: Ruby💢

Tomura: go. Daniel, keep taking these quirks

Danny: sure

Ruby: slashing Demons at lightning speed woohooooo~!

Izuku: she's so cheery!

Jin: some people are like that! Tag teams with Izuku

Ruby: hmmmm?


Eren: him again?!

Armored Titan: leaves

Eren: MOTHER-💢‼️exits body before rock is thrown at his head

L. Nagant: catches Eren

Izuku: how did he escape?!

Jin: beats me!

Ruby: i got him! Dashes

Izuku: WAIT!!

Ruby: spins and turns into a Red Rose Bullet

Muscular: WHAT THE-‼️‼️

Ruby: appears behind Muscular with her scythe pointed at his back see ya~😜

Red slashes appear on Muscular as he falls to his knees

Izuku: Jin!

Jin: Blue Dragon Kick!!

Musculars body is engulfed by the dragon and dies

Ruby: awesome!🤩

Eren: this girl is something else

Tanjiro: uh, guys!

A huge cloud of mist hovers over them as Salem is in it

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