Episode 19/3X2 like a Moth to the Flame

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Dabi: waking up and looks out the window 💭guess it's time💭 stands up

Fuyumi: watching the news

Dabi: morning sis

Fuyumi: morning. Breakfast?

Dabi: oh, actually. I was gonna go eat with some friends

Fuyumi: ok. See ya😁

Dabi: leaves 💭sorry sis...💭 walking to the beach

Danny: sees him i found him boss

Tomura: good

Everywhere Dabi went, the L.o.V watches him until they lose sight of him

Muzan: dammit

Dabi: it's not nice to follow people fires flames at Muzan

Muzan: burning

Danny: leaps from a window

Dabi: grabs his arm and snaps it this is Tomura's new L.o.V? Pathetic leaves the alley way

Tomura: can't help but think of Toga sorry my friend. You should've listened to me anyways gets up and puts his jacket on

Salem: looking for Dabi

Finé: sees smoke that his calling card for Tomura?

Ragyō: looks like it

Tomura: walks to the beach and looks in front of him


Good to see ya, Tomura Shigaraki

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Good to see ya, Tomura Shigaraki

Tomura: you💢 burst at Dabi

Dabi: dodges hmph

Shoto: walking with Momo

Momo: huh?

TV displays the news and shows the fight at the beach

Shoto: Toya!

Dabi: flame kicks Tomura back

Tomura: crashes a long the sand and gets a rug burn GHH‼️

Dabi: fires flames at him

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