Episode 4/1x4 You like him?

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After everyone showed their abilities, they headed to the mall, suggested by Mina to get to know each other better. The boys split and the girls split. Historia and Mira go with Ochako

Mira: so Ochako. You and Izuku are together?

Ochako: yeah. He asked me last month. The happiest day of my life too

Historia: 💭i wonder if Eren will like this?💭

Ochako: so what about you Mira? You and Han?

Mira: oh, no not him. I. I rather pick Jin. He's an idiot but. He tries his best and cares a lot. And care about him too

Ochako: good *looks at Historia*

Historia: *looking at the men's jackets* 💭would he fit in this?💭

Mira: that for Eren?

Historia: ❗well, i-i, umm

Ochako: you like him, don't you?

Historia: *blush* y-yes. Just don't tell anyone😖

Mira: *chuckles* we won't. Promise

With Izuku, Eren, and Jin

Izuku: ah, the All Might keychain

Jin: for Ochako?

Izuku: yep. Might as well get her something to show my appreciation

Jin: sounds reasonable *looks at Eren*

Eren: *grabs a red scarf*

Jin: who's that for?

Eren: oh just. Wanted another scarf after giving mine to Mikasa back then

Izuku: you sure it isn't for Historia?

Eren: oh, umm. Well i uhh

Jin: get her that necklace

Eren: *sees the necklaces*

Izuku: it'll be nice

Eren: *hesitates but eventually puts the scarf back and grabs the necklace*

The rest of the class enjoy their shopping trip while the six of them finish up. Izuku, Eren and Jin wait downstairs near the fountain and Ochako, Historia and Mira join up soon after

Historia: *sees Eren and blushes*

Izuku: hey girls. Had fun?

Mira: a ton of fun

Historia: *sits next to Eren*

Eren: *puts his leg down* had fun?

Historia: yeah. You?

Eren: had a blast *goes into his bag* here

Historia: *takes the box and sees the necklace with her name*

Eren: got it just for you

Historia: *smiles and slowly rest her head on his shoulder* thanks

Eren: *slowly rest his head on her's* no problem

Everything seems to be ok until a small group runs in a panic. As the class looks in confusion, danger sense goes off as Izuku uses his quirk to get the six of them into a corner. An explosion goes off and people start screaming. Eren looks to see a fist that came down from the ceiling and it pulls back

Eren: Reiner...! Izuku, get them back to U.A, NOW! *Runs in the other direction*

Izuku: go! GO!

Izuku gets the others out of the mall and they head for U.A

Reiner: Historia...

Armored Titan: *walks to them*

Lightning goes off behind the Armored Titan. As it turns around, The Attack Titan stands up and growls at him

Eren: stay away from her...

~To be Continued

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