Episode 13/2X6 comatose

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Ochako+Historia: sitting next to Izuku's/Eren's hospital bed

Izuku: wakes up and looks around huh?

Izuku: is that? One for All?

Eren: jolts up and panting what the?! Looks around

Eren: where? Am i?

Izuku: walking in the water and examining the strom what is happening?

Nana: your in a coma, kiddo. And a bad one

Izuku: Nana? What's happening to One for All?

Yoichi: it's unstable. All for One injected you with a virus, and it's trying to take control of One for All

Izuku: if it takes over my body, All for One will be reborn

Nana: correct

Eren: standing on the cliff it's. Beautiful

Birds fly overhead in formation

Eren: if only you were here, Historia

???: Rises from the ground

Eren: turns what the...?!

Eren: shit!

Attack Titan: swings his arm

Eren: jumps off the cliff into the water

Attack Titan: morphs through the ground

Eren: swims out the water

Attack Titan: head morphs through the side of the cliff and roars

Izuku: is there anyway i can virus?

Yoichi: yes. But we gotta go deeper into the storm of One for All

The Green lightening separates the other colors of lightening, creating a way for Izuku to head in

Izuku: let's go

Eren: running

Attack Titan: roaring

Eren: what is happening?!

???: Steps in front of Eren and slowly walks

Eren: stops holy shit?!

???: Eren

Eren: ‼️wha?!

???: Do not worry. My name is Ymir Fritz

Eren: what's happening?!

Ymir: your Titan has gone crazy. In order to stop it, you need to fight it

Eren: fight? How, i can't transform!

Ymir: with this bites his neck

Eren's eyes glow yellow as he is engulfed in lightening

Attack Titan: roars

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