Episode 8/2x1 Eri Midoriya

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4 months after the fight, Izuku, Eren, and Jin were put into comas. All for One was nowhere to be found and was presumed dead after many witnessed the battle. With the three out of commission, Ochako, Historia, and Yoo decided to help out in their partners places

Ochako: walks into the dorms after visitng Izuku

Aizawa: ah, there you are

Ochako: you wanted to see me?

Eri: peaks out from behind Aizawa's leg

Ochako: hi Eri! Kneels down

Aizawa: this was my favor hands her adoption papers

Ochako: oanfiddnsobn whaaaaaaaaaaaaa????

Aizawa: yep. I want you and Midoriya to adopt Eri. She seems happy with you too. Not just that, i sometimes see a little bit of you two in here when she smiles

Ochako: takes the paper and sits

Eri: rest her head on Ochako's leg, being adorable

Ochako: chuckles ok signs the paper

Aizawa: thanks

Historia and Yoo return to the dorms

Historia: so she's your new daughter now?

Ochako: yep. My little snow-flake

Yoo: she's too cute🥺

Ochako: not just that. Whenever i see her. All i see is Izuku

Historia: well. To celebrate stands up let's take her to the park

Mina: yoy mean all of us?

Yoo: when did you guys get here?

Kyoka: just a while ago

At the park

Eri: runs in the field

Ochako: Eri, don't go too far honey! God i am a mom😅

Momo: you are

Mikasa: wonder what the others reactions will be?

Ochako: i wonder what Izuku's reaction will be one day

Historia: he'll be surprised to find out he's got an adopted daughter

Yoo: true

Toga: watches from a building 💭Ochako and Izu have a kid... Not fiar💢💭

Eri: on the swings

Ochako: pushing her so there aren't any Titans outside of the walls?

Historia: no. Which is weird, cause we always see them

Yoo: maybe someone killed them all?

Historia: whatever happened, I'm just worried

Ochako: i can tell. I'd be worried too

After their fun time at the park

Ochako: tucks Eri into her bed

Historia: we should see the boys before we head to bed

Yoo: sounds good

???: Swings by the window

Historia: what the?! Runs to the window and looks around

Yoo: there!

Ochako: blond hair?

Historia: Reiner💢

Reiner: on a building when Eren dies. We will be together, Historia. Then. I will make you my wife

~To be Continued

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