Not While I'm Around (Alessia Russo)

Start from the beginning

She didn't celebrate her goal, of course she didn't. You did though and so did the rest of the team. Alessia ran towards the away fans but you made the extra effort to turn to the home fans and hold you hand up to your ear. It was the quietest they had been all game and you loved it.

After the goal things got a lot more physical with the United players clearly frustrated. Katie and Caitlin come on and within minutes they both get booked. You look towards Jonas as if asking why they can do it and you can't.

Alessia goes down a couple of times and after helping her up each time you look towards your coach.

The next tackle is the one that makes you snap.

It's Ella. Of all people to take Alessia out it is her best friend that does so. United had a corner that doesn't work. Amanda is able to clear the ball to Alessia who is charging towards Mary.

"What the hell was that!" You get in her face but don't touch her.

"C'mon Y/N you know how I get sometimes" Ella jokingly says referring to her games with England.

"You think this is funny. Look at her" you point to where Alessia is still on the ground "I don't care if you're her best friend. She is my girlfriend and I will protect her. Tell your team to back off or I will take matters into my own hands"

When Ella doesn't get carded Jonas gets involved and ends up getting carded himself.

"Now?" You say as you run to the sideline. Two of your team mates had been carded, now him and your coach wasn't a hypocrite.

"Fine but only one"

That's all you needed to hear. You hated that you needed it but you now had permission to protect her in whichever way you seemed fit. Much to your surprise you were able to be a little bit aggressive with a few United players before a powerful body check against Malard gets you the carded. It was worth it though because she went after your girl. From that moment they seemed to back off. The players who hadn't yet had a run in with you wanted to be spared your wrath.

When the full time whistle is blown, the game ends with Arsenal securing all three points. You refused to shake hands with anyone who wronged your girlfriend.

"Ella wants to come and apologise. Be nice" Alessia's arms snake around your waist from behind.

"Did she apologise to you?" You turn and kiss her cheek discreetly.

"She did but she thinks you're mad at her. I told her she's been ridiculous"

"I am mad at her. Strike that, I'm furious. She hurt you Alessia"

"I'm ok. It's ok" she loved how protective you were of her but she also didn't want any tension between you and her best friend.

"No, it's not. Not while I'm around. While I'm here, while you are my girlfriend, I won't stand by and let anyone hurt you. Now I'm going to shower before I get pulled for media"

You leave the pitch but before you do so you see Ella watching you nervously so you go over to her and tell her that the two of you are fine and that you were only protecting your girl.

Once showered and changed the team leave the stadium to head to the coach that will take them home. Of course there are fans waiting outside the stadium, most of which you meet before getting on the coach. Ever the gentlewoman you let Alessia on the coach first but she stops on the steps as she hears the fans chanting.


The blonde turns around to look at the fans, the people she once called family, standing outside the stadium she once called home. You see the look of devastation on her face and it makes your own expression turn cold.

"Y/N don't" she grabs your hand but not tight enough.

You stood up for her on the field and now you plan on doing the same in front on the fans.

"How can you say that!" You approach the crowd who grows silence. So much so that you could hear a pin drop.

"She left us" one girl says.

"All lot of players did. Tell me, if some miracle happens and you face Barcelona would you welcome Ona back this way. Would you boo her every time she touched the ball?"

You took the silence as your answer.

"That's what I thought. That girl, who you are hellbent on making miserable, has been dreading this game. Her leaving you was one of the hardest decisions she has ever made and I know this because she would call me in tears and all she kept saying was she didn't was to turn her back the fans. She gave her all for this club and is one of the main reasons why you had the success you did last season. Show her some respect!"

Phones were recording you but you couldn't care less. You were a protector, everyone knew this.

"Let's go home" you say once you reach Alessia who is still standing on the bottom step of the coach when you return to her.

It's about an hour into the journey and Alessia is fast asleep in your arms. It was a draining day both mentally and physically for her and you couldn't wait to take her home. Whether that would be yours or hers was yet to be determined.

"I've never seen you like that before" Lia says from across the table.

"I can't let anyone hurt her Lia"

"You love her don't you?" She asks and even though you hesitate to respond, you do know the answer and have done for a while now.

You and Alessia would be celebrating your 1 year anniversary in a couple of months but you knew you loved her the night of the euros or more so the morning after when the blonde woke up in your bed.

"I do. I love her more than I thought possible"

"I love you too Tesoro" Alessia mumbles. She looks up at you still half asleep but with a smile on her face.

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