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After everything that happened, school was cancelled for the remainder of the day. I walk through the city of Paris, as a soft wind blows against my hair. Although we managed to defeat the akuma and save Paris, it was way too close for comfort. If Hawk Moth's akumatized victims are that powerful, then we have to get stronger and overcome any limitations.

"Hey! Marinette!" A voice shouts from behind. My eyes widen in surprise, as I quickly turn around. Elias, Kevin, Haris, Violet, Aleena, and Luka stand there, with casual smiles on their faces. I stare at them in astonishment. What do they want?

"I'm so relieved we caught you!" Aleena declares, as her eyes light up. "Since school has been cancelled, do you want to go to the amusement park with us?" I shift nervously, feeling their curious yet joyful stares. Why do they want me to join them? Especially after the akuma attack?

"I, uh..."

Elias eyes me carefully. "What's the problem?"

"Marinette, listen." Luka places his hand on my shoulder. "That akuma attack put a lot of stress on all of us, so we thought that we could relax by going to the amusement park." He shoots me a warm smile. "We would love it if you joined us."

"Sure. Count me in."

"Alright!" Haris cheers excitedly. "Let's go!" Him and Kevin race forward, with Aleena following right behind them. I chuckle to myself and walk alongside Luka, Elias, and Violet. Even though I originally wanted to go home, I'm looking forward to spending time with everyone.

"So, Marinette, did you find your glasses?" Elias asks in a curious yet dangerous tone, as I stare at him through the corners of my eyes. I tilt my head to the side in confusion, wondering what he meant. What glasses? Does he mean the horse miraculous?

Violet nods. "Yeah. It sounded very important to you."

"What are..."

"Yes. She was so relieved when we found them," says Luka, who nudges me and shoots me a look. "She accidentally left them in the music room the other day, so we grabbed them once the akuma attack was over."

"Uhhh, yeah..."

"I see..." Elias hums, running a hand through his pitch-black hair. "That's very interesting. I would love to hear more about what happened after we departed during the akuma attack." I nervously look at Luka, as a chill races down my spinal cord. It sounds like he's suspicious of us!

Suddenly, a loud crash comes from in front of us. My eyes flash dangerously, as I quickly glance in that direction. Kevin and Haris protectively stand in front of Aleena, who's on the ground. Three, muscular yet big males stand in front of them, with their arms crossed.

Elias scowls in annoyance. "What the hell!?" He groans, before rushing over there and getting between the three males and Kevin and Haris. "There better be a good explanation for this. Why is one of my friends on the ground!?"

Elias, who easily stands over six feet tall, seemingly towers over the three males and glares at them. I know he was terrifying, but I never imagined this. Violet, who's surprisingly calm and doesn't seem fazed, hurries to Aleena and helps her stand up.

Luka nods in my direction and starts to head in that direction, as an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach. Perhaps, I should intervene as Ladybug? "That airheaded bimbo was the one who ran into us, ya know," one of the males points out, crossing his arms in annoyance.

"Yeah. She deserved it."

"I'm giving you until the count of three to get out of here," warns Elias, who cracks his knuckles. "After that, things aren't going to be so pretty." He then drops his backpack on the ground and runs a hand through his hair. "One." He narrows his eyes at them. "Two."

Marinette, Daughter of the MayorWhere stories live. Discover now