Day Six: Cabin-Multi Ship

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Today's Prompt: Invited to a weekend at a cabin in the woods OR the car breaks down on a dark country road.
C/W: NSFW (I'll tag it with ** at the beginning and end!)

"Your dads were really nice to let us use the cabin for the weekend

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"Your dads were really nice to let us use the cabin for the weekend." George hummed as they walked in the large Winters-Nixon cabin.

"Yeah, I mean they kinda expected us to do something stupid for Halloween so it was either we do it here or at Daisy and George's." Lieb explained as he unlocked the door letting everyone in.

"Wow this place is awesome!" Babe smiled as the tall red head began skipping around the cabin opening cabinets.

"Bedrooms are upstairs. If you're gonna fuck on the guest room beds please just wash them before we leave." Lieb rolled his eyes.

"Brave of you to say." Web elbowed his boyfriend's ribs.

"Well it's different, this is like my cabin. It's not different than us having sex at my house." Lieb defended himself.

"Yeah I've heard enough of this," Daisy shook her head and pulled Billy up the stairs.


George and Joe decided to go for a small walk through the woods.
Their hands intertwined swinging as they walked down the path.

"We should've brought Petunia she would've loved to smell all the smells out here and pee on the trees." George looked over at Joe.

"Damn we should've asked." Joe sighed as they were admiring the changing colors of the trees most of the leafs decorating the Forrest floor.
Joe took an awkward step and winced and George stopped.

"Let's take a break here we can sit on the log." George pointed to the fallen tree next to the path and helped Joe over.

"Sorry." Joe frowned as he began applying gentle pressure to his right thigh.

"Don't be," George shook his head, "Can I do anything for you?"

"No it's fine, but can we head back? Think my stump is swelled." Joe rubbed his forehead feeling bad.

"Yeah of course, do you want some help?" George stood up and pulled Joe up. Joe put an arm around George and walked back.

The three sat in the hot tub outside on the deck in the back.
Babe loved swimming although he couldn't swim.

"Do not squirt me with that thing," Gene shook his head as Babe had of course not left home without his super soaker.

"I'm not going to Gene. Just wanna squirt Web when he comes out." Babe said as he dipped the plastic, neon green gun in the hot tub filling it.

"This feels so nice on my body." Graham sat back a bit in the hot tub.

"That's until Babe starts squirting us with that." Gene smirked.

"I'm not going to squirt you Gene! Actually if you bring up me ambushing Web one more time I'm gonna squirt you!" Babe fussed.

"Do not do that in the hot tub!" Web came over and Babe had missed his chance.

"Shit! See now I gotta super soaker you since I missed getting to shoot Web!" Babe aimed the gun at Gene.

"Bill is coming out here shoot him." Web said.

"No because then Bill is gonna hit me with his leg! I don't know if you guys have ever been hit with a carbon fiber prosthetic before but it hurts!" Babe pouted.

"Fine! You can spray me," Gene sighed standing up in the hot tub, "Just once!" He held his arms out for his chest to be an open target.
Babe snickered and shot his boyfriend.

Daisybilly (OC's):

"Should we go in the hot tub?" Daisy looked out the window to the mess that was going on.

"I don't know, Babe just put my brother on his shoulders and the hot tub is like maybe three feet deep." Billy came over and wrapped his arms around Daisy's waist.

"True, if we go in Babe is gonna shoot us with his super soaker." Daisy leaned back into him taking in his scent of spice and pine.

"I have no interest in being shot by a six, three leprechaun who can't swim." Billy laughed.

"So you'd rather bone the female leprechaun in your life." Daisy turned making fun of him.


"There's only one leprechaun and he's not a girl." Billy picked her up bringing her over to the bed, "And yeah what if I do wanna bone my crazy red headed girlfriend?"

"You mean when I take control of you because I know that's what you like." Daisy put her knee in between his legs rolling him below her as she hovered over her.
Billy couldn't help but let out a small moan as Daisy's chest was in full view of him.

"Yes ma'am," Billy smiled choking on his own breath as Daisy plunged her lips into his.


"Ew," Web sat on the couch downstairs as they could hear Billy and Daisy having probably very rough sex.

"I wonder if that's how everyone else feels with us?" Lieb smirked looking at Web.

"Shut up, you're the one that's always talking me through an orgasm." Web defended his own honor.

"Okay and you can barely keep quiet unless I put my hand over your mouth." Lieb fired back, of course they were no strangers to their own bickering over stupid stuff.


"I'm not the one popping a boner everytjne we touch hands." Web nodded to Liebs pants that very much had gotten tighter as his dick got hard.
Lieb was a little embarrassed but usually their bickering was a weird foreplay and his brain was just wired to think that it's sex time everytime they fight.

"Oh you are such a pig Joseph David-Liebgott Winters-Nixon." Web pulled out his full government name as he climbed onto Joes lap straddling him.

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