Fly Me To The Moon-Baberoe

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Babe sighed as he opened up his laptop and saw the assignments pop up on the screen. That's when Babe took his first swig of beer. Bill had begged him to go out for drinks but Babe had a lot to do.
Joe came out of his and David's room and grabbed a white claw and a corna.

"White claw for the white girl you got in your room?" Babe looked up from his notes.

"David? Oh yeah, you know Web he only drinks that white girl shit." Joe laughed, "You didn't go out with Bill?"

"I don't think anyone went out with him tonight since it's almost the end of the semester." Babe shrugged and turned to look at Joe.

"I thought you went out with him but I guess not. I think George and Joe went out with him. Luz had all his glitter out on the counter." Joe laughed, "I'm glad he's really liking the guy Guarnere set him up with."

"Me too," Babe nodded. They'd only met the other Joe once. Well Bill worked with him.
He was a pretty nice guy, an old friend from Bills high school. He'd lost his leg and needed a new job and away from his parents coddling. Then George brought Bill lunch at work and asked him to hook him up with the new hotty.

"Anyways, gotta get back to the white chick." Lieb shrugged and walked back to his room kicking the door shut with his foot.
Babe sighed and turned back to his notes. He was lonely, all his friends had significant others and Babe couldn't keep a man. They'd use Babe for one good bang then ghost him. Babe sighed and read through his notes then typed some stuff up in the doc. He flipped the page and took a long drink of beer. He had no energy for this but it had to be done. He really wished he would've been able to go out with Bill.

    Babe let out a loud groan as his phone rang and saw it was Bill. Now he'd have to go drive to some poor girl's house and pick up Bill. Babe shut his laptop and mentally went through the list Bill was calling him. Bill needed a ride, Bill needed to be picked up from a girls house because his one leg turned the girl off, he needed a ride from the girls house because she was a quick fuck, Bill was too drunk and got in a fight? It was an endless series of questions that ran through Babes head.

"Joe! I'm gonna go pick up Bill he called!" Babe called from the door. Babe grimaced as he slipped on his tie dye crocs and heard David's loud moans. Babe grabbed his jacket and keys and left the apartment.
The phone rang again and he answered it, "Bill I'm walking out to my car right now. Why don't you just send me your location." Babe bitched at him through the phone.

"Uhm is this Edward Heffron?" a thick accent came through the phone. He wasn't sure what kind it sounded a little southern?

"Yeah, Bill, who is this? Did Bill put you up to this? If I just left my apartment from studying I'm gonna be so pissed. You know it's snowing right?" Babe got cut off.

"No, No, Bill is uh, really drunk and he needs a ride home. I found him urinating in a fountain in a park on my way home. You were listed as the emergency contact. Is there someone else I should call? It's really cold out, you know?" The voice explained from the phone.

"No, oh my god. What park?" Babe sighed and started his car and backed out.

"Uhm," There was shuffling on the other side of the phone, "BellFlower Park. It's kind of by like the dive bar scene?"

"Oh I know where it is. Uhm just tell Bill that Babe is coming." Babe sighed and ran a hand through his red locks. Babe hung up and rushed to the park.
Once Babe arrived he parked on the street and climbed out of his car. He walked over to where two men sat on a bench.

"Oh hey, are you Edward?" the thick accent asked. But what Babe saw had him stopped in his tracks. The pale skin, the way the tip of his nose was red from the cold, the black hair, and his big blue eyes.
Babe didn't know if he believed in love at first sight but if it was real he thought he just did.
But Bill sat next to him speaking nonsense, "Shit what's up Babe. Look at this hunk I found for you!" Bill slurred the burnett putting his hands all over the pretty man.

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