5: Making Paper Snow Flakes-Multi Ship

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"Okay! Bill! Stop you're doing it wrong!" George bounced around the room trying to help his friends make the little snow flakes.
They had all gathered at David's house because his parents were out of the country. They were decorating for the holidays.

"Shut it George I'm trying my best!" Bill rolled his eyes and threw down the paper and scissors on the floor.
Babe got up off the couch and picked up his scissors and paper.

"Okay look, guys I'm gonna show you one more time!" Babe protested as he folded his paper in half and started cutting holes in it.

"We should just get outta here, go up to your room, you know. Fuck." Joe mumbled into David's ear and kissed behind it. David shuttered and smiled leaning into Joes lap further.

"You guys are fucking disgusting," Joe Toye stood up, "Georgie I can't sit by Lieb and his dirty mouth."

George stood up from the other end of the couch and kissed Joe on the mouth. Joe backed up a little taken off guard and fell over where Skip was sitting.

"Hey what the hell Toye?" Skip rolled his eyes.

"It wasn't on purpose Skip," Joe smiled and glanced over at George as he sat up.

"Yeah he's just head over heels for me still," George snickered and winked at him.

"Stop flirting guys! We're making decorations!" Babe pouted as his friends all were literally on top of each other.

"Babe you're just mad because Gene is visiting his Grandma right now in Louisiana." Malarkey smiled and kissed Skips cheek.

"Okay well maybe that's true but we're! Hey!" Babe called as Joe and David tried to sneak off.

"Oh for fucks sake. Fuck. Babe!" Joe rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, "I don't want to make lame ass paper snowflakes."

"You're really gonna fuck while your friends are here?" George leaned over the couch and looked at them.

"Two minutes ago you and Toye were basically fucking on the floor." Joe pointed at the fancy rug laying over the fancy floor.

"Guys stop fighting it's the holidays!" Babe sighed and stomped his foot.

"Fine!" David sat back on the couch and pulled Joe down next to him.

"Oh I think I did it!" Bill unfolded the piece of paper and it fell apart. He tossed his scissors forward a few feet, "I'm done with this shit. Got anything good in that fridge Web?"

"Whatever my parents have," David shrugged, "But I think you forgot they only drink fancy shit so."

Bill got up and shrugged walking to the kitchen to go smuggle alcohol from David's parents.

"We can just use the ones me and George made." Babe sighed snatching the things from his untalented friends and set them aside.

"How about some holiday games?" Babe clasped his hands together.
All of them groaned and turned back to their significant other. Babe sighed, he was just trying to pass the days till Gene got back.

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