Dance With Me-Baberoe

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A/N: Slow dancing to old Christmas songs.

It was just Gene and Babe for Christmas.
They didn't go down to Louisiana this year because they were supposed to spend Christmas with Babes parents but it was proven not meant to be because it had been snow storming all day.
The roads were iced and shitty and not safe to drive on.
So it was just the two in their house with a bunch of food.

    It was about 8 and they were cleaning up the kitchen after eating their own feast. Just being in each others presence.
Gene walked over to the record player and grabbed an old Christmas album setting it on the player and setting the needle on it.
"Come mon amour." Gene held his hand out for Babe.
Babe smiled and wiped his hands on his pants and walked over to Babe.

Gene spun Babe and dipped him, "Well you know how to butter a man's biscuits." Babe giggled.

"You're so stunning," Gene cooed as they began to dance around their kitchen/dining room area.

"Ya, your little jitterbug." Babe pulled Gene closer to him and sped up their pace.

"I mean your like a foot taller than me." Gene smiled at Babe, it was true Babe was like over six feet and Gene was a good 5'9 on a good day.

"Merry Christmas Gene," Babe mumbled as they just rocked back and forth together enjoying each others company and warmth.

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