Sweet Love | Webgott

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Tumblr Request: Hi, do you still take oneshots/imagines? I would love one of Webster comforting Joseph after finding the camp🥺.

    Once Easy arrived back in the town of Landsburg Joe was left a mess of emotions. He hiccuped quietly as Web followed him back to their sleeping arrangements. Lieb opened the door of the empty apartment and sat himself down on the bed.

Web set his and Lieb's helmet and rifles on the table, walking into the vacant kitchen and found a glass and filled it with water.

Web walked over to where Lieb sat his head in his hands, his OD jacket thrown aside leaving him in a plain dirtied white shirt.

"Hey," Web sat next to Lieb on the bed, Lieb looked up. His eyes were bloodshot red and he sniffed as he was trying to not cry.

Joe took the glass and took a few sips and set it on the nightstand.

"Fuck. Who are those fuckin' krauts to decide and play god," Joe mumbled under his breath, he gripped his knees with his hands looking down.

"They're going to be okay Joe," Web set his hand on top of Liebs. Web didn't like any of this at all, he couldn't even imagine how Joe felt.

What Web saw was literally repulsive, how could someone treat other people like that?

"Fuck Web what about the ones who were already dead? What about the other camps they found on the map? Fuck. What if that was me or my family in that fucking camp." Liebs sadness had turned into pure rage, he stood up and grabbed a vase off the other side table and threw it at the wall, "Verdammte Schweine. ekelhafte Krautschweine."

(fucking pigs. disgusting kraut pigs.)

Web grabbed Liebs hands, "Liebe, setz dich hin, es wird alles gut."

(love sit down, it's going to be okay.)

Lieb pulled his hands from Webs, "Fuck. Think about how terrible the other camps were, godforbid the women's camp." Lieb looked up at the sealing swallowing hard as he felt tears begin to brim his eyes.

"Come, come sit Joe." Web took his hands again and sat him back down on the bed, "You should get some rest love."

Web began to untie Joe's boots.

"I-I know." Lieb swallowed as he felt the lump in his throat. He squeezed his eyes shut and let out a little grunt as the tears began to flow. Web finished pulling his boots off and reached up, rubbing his tears away.

"You have every reason to be upset, meine Liebe. We can go visit the camp-" Web began. (My love.)

"I'm not going back there," Lieb swallowed and sniffed, taking another sip of the water.

"I need to find those kraut bastards," Lieb chewed his lip.

"Someone is gonna kill Hitler and this will all be over and everyone will be done suffering." Web ran a hand through Joe's dark hair.

Joe and Web laid back in the bed and Lieb sniffed and swallowed. Web leaned over and kissed Lieb on the cheek.

"Think about that good life we're going to have after this," Web ran his hand through Joe's hair comfortingly.

"Back in Frisco' together we can get that house," Lieb breathed out.

"Yeah, we can also get a dog too," Web smirked.

"Yeah," Joe sighed and snuggled into Web. Usually it was opposite where Lieb would hold Web but sometimes Joe just needed that extra support like right now. 

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