Spoken | Speirton

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"Well maybe if you just told me your pent up feelings I could help you more!" Carwood snapped at his boyfriend then instantly regret it, "No Ron I'm sorry I just." He started to reach towards Ron's hands to hold them securely. He pulled them away then pushed some dark brown hair out of his face.

"No I get it, it's fine." Ron stood up and walked to his and Carwoods bedroom slamming the door behind him. He sighed and put his head down.
George opened the door and held it for Joe as they carried in groceries.

"Trouble in paradise?" George asked as he set the cloth grocery bags on the counter.

"You could say that," Carwood sighed and sat back up, "I just. He needs a moment then I'll go try and talk to him."

"Whatever you think," Joe nods.
Ron had been overly stressed with all of his work at West Point. He was trying so hard along with Joe but it all slipped and he was too tired.

Ron sat in the bed rubbing his eyes gently free of his tears. He was always taught that boys don't cry, so he never did. But he lost it in high school and showed his emotions. His dad would call him a faggot for it.

He sighed and opened up his textbooks and tried to get back to work.
Before he knew it George popped his head in and said dinner was done.
Instead of eating with them he made himself a plate and returned back to his studies.

"So it's school probably?" Joe asked as he stabbed some lettuce.

"Yeah I think, I don't ever know anymore with him. He just won't ever tell me how to help." Carwood shrugged.

"I mean I can't even imagine how stressful it is for the both of you." George nodded.

"I mean it is West Point they work us like crazy. Someone like Ron doesn't take this lightly." Joe hummed.

Ron sighed and set his food aside and went right back to studying. He couldn't fall behind and risk anything. This was his future.

Carwood lightly knocked on the door and opened it coming in.

"Hey, hun hope I didn't wake you." Carwood hummed and found his way to their dressers.

"No it's fine I'm still trying to just cram." Ron frowned and flipped the page of the book.

"You need to take a break and sleep," Carwood finished changing into pajamas then kissed Ron's cheek as he climbed into bed, "I'm still sorry for snapping at you earlier."

"It's okay Car," Ron sighed laying back next to his boyfriend. He held both of Carwoods hands.
"I'm sorry I've been so pissy lately it's just a lot right now."

"No it's okay, i love you and I always will." Carwood smiled and kissed Rons knuckles softly.

"I love you too," Ron sighed and pulled Carwood in closer to him.

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