4: Christmas Movies-Webgott

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          Joe opened the door for Web as he carried in the pizza box for their at home holiday date. They'd been snowed in so they ordered pizza.
David set the box of pizza down on the coffee stand and took off his jacket hanging it up.
Joe sat down without a word and turned on Netflix.

"Can we watch a holiday movie?" David asked as he grabbed two wine glasses and a rosé bottle.

"Sure. I know just the one!" Joe giggled as he searched for Die Hard.

"No! Joe, Die Hard is not a Christmas movie." David protested as he came into the living room and set the glasses down.

"Yes it is! David I don't even celebrate Christmas," Joe pouted as he threw open the pizza box.

"I wanna watch White Christmas," David pouted and poured a generous amount of wine in his glass.

"I can't handle that one. That one you get Luz to come watch with you. So why don't we compromise? We can watch 8 Crazy Nights? That's a Jewish movie." Joe snickered and took a bite of the pizza.

"I'm not in the mood for dumb Adam Sandler comedy." David tisked and took another drink followed by a bite.

"Okay what about The Night Before?" Joe smiled wide.

"Let's compromise on Nightmare Before Christmas?" That was David's final decision, if Joe didn't agree to that one they'd end up watching Law and Order SVU. Neither of them had patients to look for something to watch.

"Good one doll face," Joe kissed David's cheek with his greasy pizza lips. Then turned it on.

Joe woke up with David laid a crossed his lap. They'd both gotten a little tipsy, had some fun on the couch.
David smiled and carded his hands thru David's long, golden brown locks of hair.
Joe kissed his head lingering slightly to smell the smell of David's shampoo. The rosy smell of his bed head shampoo always calmed Joe.

"I love you," Joe murmured into David's head. He picked up the half naked man and carried him to their shared room. He tucked David in and returned to the living room.
He cleaned up their mess, washing the wine glasses and recycling the pizza box.
Then returned to their room tugging off his shirt and jeans putting on pajama shorts and climbing in next to David.

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