From The Dining Table-Baberoe

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Gene sighed exiting his room in frustration, it was his one day off of work since the covid pandemic had swiped up the US. Well, actually his first day off.

"Gene whats the matter?" Babe stopped his cooking and turned to look at Gene.

"What?" Gene sighed as he messed with his hearing aid.

"Whats wrong?" Babe frowned as he signed.

"I got called into work," Gene sighed as he grabbed his coat and fished his mask out of his pocket.

"Really?" Babe walked over to his boyfriend and grabbed Genes hands.

"Yeah," Gene sighed and kissed Babes cheek.

"I just started our brunch," Babe pouted.

"And I'm sure its delicious just share it with Joe and David," Gene frowned and kissed Babe on the cheek, "I gotta go."

"What time are you going to be home?" Babe signed trying to stall his boyfriend from going to work. He worried about Gene working in the hospital was a lot for him already. But when COVID took control it was a hell storm. With all the masks and PPE it was harder for Gene to hear and read lips.

"I'm not sure Edward, but I'm going to be late." Gene sighed and opened the door stepping out so Babe couldn't further distract him, "I love you."

"I love you too," Babe sighed sadly as Gene left and shut the door after him. He went back into the kitchen and Joe stood at the counter already picking at the pancakes.

"Gene get called in?" Joe signed.

"Yeah," Babe sighed, "Have what you want I'm not hungry."
Babe walked over to the fridge and reached for a beer.

"Babe, its 9:00 AM you don't need to drink." Joe signed as he pulled away his arm from where it was stopping Babe.

"Yeah but I'm just," Babe stopped signing and threw his arms over his eyes. He was so frustrated, this goddamn pandemic was taking away everything. Babes grandma had caught COVID and died. But it also sucked away all of Genes free time. He was always at the hospital and Babe was scared Gene was going to get sick. When the pandemic first hit he even stayed at Renees because he didn't want to bring any germs home to Babe or his friends. "Frustrated," Babe signed finally.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Joe signed as he plated some two pancakes onto a plate.

"Sure, I don't have anything better to do." Babe signed and grabbed his coffee sitting down. He hugged the mug and sipped on it tasting the sugary coffee run down his throat. Joe sat down across from him and cut a piece of pancakes and took a bite setting his fork down.

"Talk to me Heffron," Joe signed and picked up his fork.

"I just I'm worried about him he's over working himself. He's only home for like maybe 6 hours at a time. Plus I'm worried about his physical health too. What if he gets sick?" Babe sighed trying to slow his signing knowing it wasn't the best hoping Joe caught it all.

"I understand maybe I can't relate too well but it was hard having to get my flight canceled. I haven't seen my family in a little over a year and I'm worried." Joe signed trying his best too relate to Babe. David came out of their bedroom in sweatpants and a t-shirt and stumbled sleepily to Joe.

"Good morning," Joe signed and kissed Davids cheek as David snaked his arms around Joe and leaned his head on his shoulder.

"Did Gene leave?" David signed and walked towards the coffee pot.

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