"Yea, dear." His mocking tone didn't go unnoticed by you, but before you could retort, you found yourself falling sideways onto the bed. Levi had shifted on the bed and let you fall forward so that he could stand up.

"Erwin made a comment tonight," he spoke over his shoulder as he gathered up a change of clothes for himself.

"Oh?" You propped yourself up on your elbows to follow him with your eyes.

"Said 'You and Lieutenant Y/N make a good team. We'll need you both on the far right of the formation.'" Levi quoted as he slipped on a new shirt.

"Then he pulled me aside after the meeting. 'Don't let personal feelings get in the way of the mission. I understand this may seem unfair to ask, but I've seen the way you look at your second in command .', so I said I wouldn't."

Scoffing back a laugh, you grinned. "It's a little too late for that."

"By about two years, yeah." Levi hummed in agreement, joining you in bed with a relaxed sigh.

You were quick to snuggle up to him, and his arm instinctively draped over your waist. Laying your head back onto his chest, you looked up at him. Only to find his gaze already on you. You knew that look in his eyes...

"Hey, I will come back. I always do," you reassured him in a soft whisper.

"You'd better. I'm not sure what I'd do without you here," he whispered back, letting his eyes close shut.

Placing a kiss on his cheek, you snuggled under the covers and closed your eyes. "You won't ever have to find out," was the last thing you whispered before you let your exhaustion take over.


"The 56th expedition is about to begin; prepare yourselves!"

Commander Erwin's voice boomed from the front of the formation, reaching every soldier under his command. With cheers from the civilians gathered around to see them off, Levi snuck one last glance over to you. Giving you a confident nod, he gripped the reins from atop his horse and stared straight ahead.

Soon enough, the gates opened wide, and the Survey Corps spilled out at a gallop.

For the first hour, everything was going smoothly. A handful of titans here and there were quickly dealt with by the S.O.S. Onwards they raced, until a splitting scream broke the eire silence hanging over them. Whipping her head forward, Y/N was quick to shoot her ODMG onto the nearest tree and grapple onto it. Despite her Captain's screams of protest, Y/N was off.

Only a moment passed, and Levi had lost sight of her amongst the forming group of titans.

Half an hour later, Commander Erwin had called for a retreat. What had originally been a mere observation exposition, had turned into a blood bath. Only half the soldiers sent out had returned to the vantage point, and most were wounded.

Whether it be a deep cut or a punctured lung, the field medics were kept busy.

Captain Levi slid off his horse hastily, looking around at everyone gathered. His eyes scanned the loose crowd anxiously, but not once did his eager gaze meet yours. Panic bubbles up in his chest, but he manages to keep calm.

On the outside, anyways.

Once a frantic Preta comes running over to him, out of breath and panting, does he get a clue as to your whereabouts.

His ever present mask starts to shatter, and in an instant he's sprinting across the open field towards the medic tents; your name on his lips.

The moment he entered one of the several tents set up not far outside the walls, the make-shift camp went silent.

Levi Ackerman One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now