Alabasta (Part 2)

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Oh my god is that art of Vivi and Koa just existing???? (That's not Koa's main outfit btw.)

"Stop trying to argue with me, I'm helping you with the food!" Angie shouted at Sanji who was holding a tray of food above his head so she wouldn't get it.

"But you and Ace are supposed to be guests! I can't let you do this!" Sanji argued.

"Oh, shut up..." Angie jumps up and successfully grabs the tray without dropping any of the food on it. "...And just relax! People your age should have a break at least once in your life, jeez."

"But madam–"

"No. Go sit down. You already cooked everything and it should be everybody else's job to help pack the shit! That's how my family does it." Angie then turns around and slams her foot on top of Luffy's head, scaring the shit out of Usopp who was next to him. The two were previously playing around with the food. "So it's both of your jobs to help him in some way! If he made enough food for you to make a snowman out of it, then you should know it's too much for him to pack all by himself!"

"Ow!" Luffy winced. "But Sanji's fine on his own! He's done this multiple times before!"

"That's not a good thing! What the fuck are you all here for!? Shit, at least help him cook from time to time, do you know how hard it is to cook for 10 people every single day!? Even monsters need time to rest! Now go pack the food, both of you!"



"She's terrifying..." Usopp muttered as he and Luffy walked past Angie to get to the rest of the food.

"I know..." Luffy sighs.

"She's a bit much, huh?" Ace asked Sanji, noticing he was frozen in place. "It's just because she cares about you all. She's a mother before she's a pirate. At least that's what she told me."

Sanji then quietly sat down on the chair behind him and smiled a bit at Ace. "I guess taking a break would be nice then..."

Ace smiles back at him.

Angie opens the kitchen door and shouts at Chopper and Koa who were laying on the stairs. "Reindeer, Koa! Help me with the dishes!"

"Yes, ma'am!"


Vivi had stopped at some point to drop off Karoo for a mission specifically for him. During that time, Usopp and Luffy had finally finished packing all the food (With Angie and Sanji making sure they didn't eat any of it.)

Now they've reached their destination, or at least were extremely close to it.

"We're finally here!" Luffy cheered.

"Hey, Nami, how hot is it supposed to be in the desert?" Chopper asks, following Nami down the stairs to the others.

"Over 100 degrees in the daytime." She answered.

"What!? Please tell me you're joking!"

"Ah! Nami, where did your dancer outfits go!?" Sanji screeched. "Wait, Vivi, you too!?"

"Their old clothes don't work in the desert!" Koa shouts from above. "Me and River bought those for a reason, idiot!"

Nami and Vivi had changed into clothes more like the ones everybody else was wearing. The old clothes were folded up into Vivi's arms as she was about to put them away.

"They were so sexy though..." Sanji cried, falling onto the ground and helplessly rolling around.

"Now that I think about it." Angie muttered. "Ace, Luffy, go change clothes! You'll definitely get sunburnt like that!"

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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