Syrup Village

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"So where are we going next, Nami?" River asked, looking over the orange-haired girl's shoulder to see a map in her hands.

"There's a village near here called "Syrup Village." Sadly there wasn't a lot we could do at your village, so let's hope this one's good!"


The crew lands on the dock of the island and gets off the boat, Zoro and River stretching while Nami and Luffy look around. "It feels good to be on dry land again." Zoro sighs and River nods in agreement.

"There's a village around here somewhere, right?" Luffy asks Nami.

"Yeah, it looks like a small one though." Nami answers, opening her map.

"Ooh! Ooh! Then there's meat!" Luffy states happily. "There has to be a place to eat meat in this village!"

"Just forget about meat for a minute, would ya?"

"He'd probably die if he went vegan for more than a week." River adds before they perk up at the sound of bushes rustling above them. Zoro sees it too and the two grab the hold of their swords,

"You saw it too?" Zoro asks, gaining a nod from River.

"What? What's wrong?" Nami asked.

"We're being watched." Zoro warns.

"By who!?" Luffy asks, excited, looking left and right. "Where are they? They got meat!?"

"Look out!" Zoro shouts to Luffy as small pellets shoot at Luffy's feet, he does his best to avoid them as Nami runs towards their ship to hide.

A bunch of flags pop out from the bushes with skeletons drawn on each one.

"The hell?" River mutters, their head tilting in confusion.

"Woah! That's so cool!" Luffy shouts, waving his arms up and down In excitement.

"Is this supposed to be when we're impressed?" Nami questions.

"Hahaha!" A man laughs. "I am Usopp, leader of the invincible pirates who rain over this island. You stand before a living legend, the most revered pirates who ever lived. I am the great Captain Usopp! Surely you know that plotting an attack on this island would mean certain death! My army of eighty million super mean pirates would squash you like bugs!"

"AWESOME!!!" Luffy shouts.

"That's definitely a lie." River sighs.

"They know!!!" Usopp shouts, with his hands on his head.

"Well now they do." Nami laughs.

"How could I have been so dumb?!" Usopp exclaims, confusing Nami and River. "I practically told them I was lying. I'm such an idiot! I'm stupid!!!"

"Uh..." Nami mutters.

"What!? He was lying!?" Luffy said, shocked.

"How did you not know???" River questioned.

"Curse you, you crafty tacticians." Usopp cursed. "80 million may have been an exaggeration, but I have a great many men under my control!"

"My guess is three." Nami guessed at that, three kids popped out of the bushes in panic.

"Ah! They do know!!" The kids shout. They then drop their flags and run away, screaming, ignoring their captain who was trying to bring them back.

"Isn't this depressing." River sighs.

"A pirate using a slingshot, huh?" Nami mutters, picking up a silver ball now covered in sand. "Now I've seen everything."

Luffy starts laughing. "That's pretty cool!" He says between laughs.

These People Are Insane (One Piece OC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz