Drum Island (Part 1)

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"AHAHA!" Luffy laughed. "We're flying!!!!! Don't bother looking back, cause we're going straight ahead!!!!!!"

"We really made it out..." Koa mutters.

"It's the power of the Elbaf Warriors!!!" Usopp cheered. "They saved us!!!!! They're amazing!!!!"

"Mhm!" Luffy agrees. "I knew it was right to trust them!!!!"

It saw smooth sailing after that, with Koa laughing at Luffy and Usopp dancing and singing about Elbaf before, he had to quickly save the two from falling into the sea.

"Vivi." Nami called. "Could you watch the compass for me?"

"Of course." Vivi replied, gently taking the eternal pose out of her friend's hands.

Koa noticed her faraway look and sat down next to her while Karoo stood behind them both. "We're getting closer." He noticed, gaining Vivi's attention. "Soon, you'll be able to end this war and you won't need to worry anymore."

"Yeah..." Vivi agreed, smiling softly at Koa who smiled back. "Everyone's counting on me...I will return home. Alive."

"There's no need to worry." Sanji reassured going down the stairs to the others, holding a tray of tiny cakes in his hand. "You've got me!"

"Ah, yes. Just him." Koa mutters, ignoring the glare the cook gave him.

"Anyways!" Sanji continued, lowering the tray to Nami and Vivi's level. "Here you go, try these sweets, they'll help you relax. I've made some delicious tarts and you can decide if you want coffee or tea with them."

"Thank you, Sanji." Vivi said.

"And yours are in the kitchen!" Sanji shouted at the boys who were gawking at the desserts. "Go!"

Koa stayed where he was, watching the others race to the kitchen.

"You're not going?" Sanji asked him.

"I don't like cake." Koa answered, looking down at the desserts with a small frown. "I'm sure River's already in the kitchen though, and probably already ate half of those small cakes."

"Now that I think about it, where are they?" Vivi asked, looking around the boat.

"I don't know." Koa shrugged as Vivi stood up and walked over to the railing of the boat. "Somewhere."

It was quiet after that. Nami and Koa were both leaning on the mast while Vivi was making sure the boat stayed on course.

"Vivi...Koa...I'm sorry, I think..." Nami started. "I need to rest..."

"Go ahead." Koa said.

"Don't worry, everythings under control, I'll keep an eye on our course." Vivi reassured before gasping when Nami collapsed onto the floor.

"Are you all right!?" She asked, checking Nami's forehead.

"Hey, I think Nami's sick!!!" Koa called out to the others.

"WHAT!?" Sanji shouted, bursting out the door of the kitchen. "SHE'S SICK!?!?"

"I just said that, dumbass!" Koa scolds, picking Nami up.

"I need someone to get an bowl of ice cold water and a towel, please." Vivi said.


Vivi gently rung out the towel she had and put it on Nami's forehead.

They were now in Nami and River's room with Nami laying on her bed, trying to rest. Sanji was hysterical while the others remained a bit more calm...

"Just give it to me straight, Vivi. Is she going to die?!" Sanji asked, tears streaming down his face. "It's too soon!!!"

These People Are Insane (One Piece OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon