Little Garden

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"Hey, Guys." Sanji calls with a tray of green drinks. "Anyone here care to sample my special drink?"

The entire crew, excluding the women went to down to where he was and each got their own glass while sitting in a circle. "So, you like making drinks, Sanji? Thought you were just a cook?" Koa questioned.

"I'm a chef, dumbass! I do more than just cook."

"That's nice. Stop being a pervert and you'd have all the girls love you." Koa said sarcastically.

"I hate you." Sanji cursed before watching Karoo accidentally take his straw out of his drink, not knowing how to drink out of a straw. "No, no, it goes like this." He puts the straw back in the glass and watches Karoo quickly drink the entire thing. "Wow, somebody's sure thirsty, have another." He gave him another, watched the duck down the entire thing and then gave him another. And this just repeated for a while as the others watched in amusement.

"Hey, River." Koa called.

"What's up?" River replied.

"How'd you break your arm? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just fought Arlong and he swung me around by the arm so much that it broke it."

"YOU GUYS FOUGHT ARLONG!?" Koa shouting, gaining the rest of the group's attention.

"Yeah?" Luffy responded like it was normal.

"Oh damn, y'all are strong." Koa said, gaining a big smile from Luffy.


"I can see why they call this place Little Garden." Luffy said, as they were extremely close to the island now.

"I can't. What's "Little" about it?" Zoro argued.

"Yeah, this island looks a bit harsh if you ask me." Nami agreed. "Why the cute name?"

"It looks like a jungle out there!" Usopp complained. "I feel like we'd be better off skipping this one."

"Don't be a coward, man." Koa scolded.

"We can to be careful." Vivi warned. "I can't help but remember the warning Ms. All Sunday gave us."

"So...what!? We might be attacked by giant monsters!?" Usopp exclaimed.

"I mean, Arlong was pretty big and we beat the shit out of them" River added.

"Yeah, but giants do exist in our world. They just aren't usually seen where we are." Koa explained. "I mean, they also used to actually...there's a chance they could be here."

"Are you trying to reassure us or not!?" Usopp yelled.

"I'm just telling the truth."

"Either way, I'm sure it'll be fun!" Luffy cheered.

"Listen, I'm sure we can skip on this one and make it to the next island!" Usopp argued.

"The only was to reset the log is to go ashore." Nami stated.

"Not to mention, we're in dire need of restocking our food supply." Sanji added. "We didn't get so much as a sack of flour in the last town."

"Guys." Zoro called, pointing to an opening in the island. "There's our ticket in."

"Guess we're turning then." Nami said. Once the boat was sailing through the river, the crew took that as a chance to look around.

"You think they'll have a barbeque restaurant here?" Luffy asked.

"That'd be nice." Koa added.

"We didn't travel all this way for barbeque!" Sanji scolded the two.

"I thought the point of this visit was to get food?" Luffy rebutted.

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