Alabasta (Part 1)

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This is going to be split into like...9-10 different parts because holy shit, why is Alabasta drawn out SO MUCH.


Later in the night, the crew were sailing on their ship, away from Drum Island and towards Alabasta.

The members were all partying on the deck of the ship but Chopper was mainly looking at the sky, seeing the cherry blossoms crowd the skies.

"Come on, Chopper!" Usopp calls. "Snap out of it! You can't sit there in a daze all night long!" He pulls the reindeer towards him. "You want a drink?"

"Come sing a song with us!" Sanji suggests, pushing Usopp out of the way.

"Here, shove these chopsticks up your nose!" Luffy says, handing Chopper two new chopsticks. "Go on!"

"Now that I think about it...are these cherry blossoms edible?" Koa asks, looking at the pink snow.

"Eat one!" Luffy dares before everybody else starts chanting alongside him.

"Eat one!"

"Eat one!"

"Yeah, all your new friends are crazy." Nami said to Chopper who looked up at her.

"New...friends?" Chopper repeated.

"Now that you're apart of the group, you're immediately considered a friend no matter what." River adds, walking over to the two.

"I...can work with that."

"Karoo, what were you doing in the river frozen!?" Vivi exclaimed, holding onto a paralyzed Karoo.

"He probably slipped or something." Zoro guessed. "He's a clumsy one!"

Be quiet, Mr. Bushido!"

"He says a guy named Zoro fell into the river." Chopper explained. "He was worried the guy got lost or died so he went in to try to help."

"You caused this!?" Koa shouts, shaking Zoro back in forth. "Who in there right mind swims in the frozen fucking river!"

"It was for training!"


"Wait, Chopper, how can you understand Karoo?" Vivi asks.

"Well, I'm still an animal by nature..."

"That's so cool, Chopper! Between this and your medical skills, you're a really skilled person!" Nami compliments.

"What!? Don't say that you jerk! It's not going to make me happy or anything!" Chopper shouts, dancing and waving around.

"Sure looks happy." Luffy commented as Usopp and Koa nodded in agreement.

"Wait, Chopper, you're a doctor?" Koa asked.

"He is!" Nami answered for him. "And a first-rate one at that! Doctorine taught him everything she knows!"

"Really!?" Zoro said in disbelief.

"That's so cool!" Luffy exclaimed.

"No way!" Usopp breathed.

"If you didn't know he was a doctor, why did you ask him to come along in the first place?" Nami asked Luffy.

"I thought he was just an interesting monster that could transform into 7 different things." Luffy answered.

"I thought we were just using him for emergency food." Sanji added, scaring Chopper.

"Hell no!" Koa shouts.

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