Alabasta (Part 1.2)

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Only Reason it's only 1.2 is because its half of a normal chapter.

"He's attracting too much attention." Angie muttered, side-eyeing Ace who had face planted into one of the plates of food he had. (That she paid for.) Everybody crowded around them, making sure the man was okay, and some even guessed he got killed by some deadly strawberry, but no. He just has Narcolepsy.

Angie pulled the hood of her cloak further over her face as people got closer and closer. There were also some people outside that she could hear.

Ignoring them, she started to think about the people she saw staring at them. Why were they? Did they have some connection to Luffy? If so they might have to question them later.

Suddenly Ace takes his head out of his food, looking around the room like he's stuck in some kind of daze. "Hmmm, sorry about that." He apologized. "Fell asleep."

"FELL ASLEEP!?" The crowd repeated, astonished at how this stranger is not dead.

Angie suddenly wacked Ace on the head, slamming him back into his plate.

"Do you know how much of a scene you just caused?" She says to him. "There's people OUTSIDE the restaurant who thought you were just dead...!"

"Sorry, Aunty..." Ace apologized, rubbing the food off of his face with his hand.

"And then you just play it off like it's nothing???" Hey, maybe it's not good to just be roaming around the city, falling asleep randomly and not explaining why the fuck that happens. I swear to the gods if we somehow get caught because of your stupidity and also the fact that you're just blatantly walking around showing that tattoo, I'll fucking break your arm."

"I said I was sorry!"

Angie huffs before turning back to the restaurant owner and handing him some money. "Ignore him, I'm very sorry that happened and I'm sorry for everyone else that was worried! It's a normal thing that happens, don't worry about it."

"Well, we're just happy that he's fine." The owner reassures while the crowd starts to disband and actually allows Angie and Ace to enjoy their food.

"Oh, by the way." Angie takes out Luffy's bounty poster from Ace's bookbag. "We're looking for this pirate and we've been told you know most of the randos who come around here, so do you know him?"

"You both have some nerve eating in the middle of a restaurant like this." A voice spoke from behind them. Ace spun around in his chair to face the man while Angie just huffed and crossed her arms. "You're both Second Division Commanders of the Whitebeard Pirates, correct...Angie Salem and Portgas D. Ace."

The people around them gasped, finally connecting the pieces together.

"That's Angie!?" They whispered.

"And Ace!?"

"Shit, why are they here?"

"Man, I need you to mind your own business." Angie whines to the marine, letting her hood down. "Who the hell even are you? I know you're not an admiral."

"A marine who's just curious as to why you two are even here."

"Oh, we're just here to find my little brother." Ace answers with a smirk on his face. "Nothing much. So, what are you going to do now?"

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