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River watched as Luffy carried a crate up to the front of the ship where the group was. Everyone was peaceful until Luffy dropped the crate onto the ground shocking everybody.

"Suckers heavy." Luffy huffed.

"What even is that?" River asked walking towards him.

"It's a crate full of cannonballs!" Luffy informed, smirking. "I figured since we have our own cannon now we could get in some target practice!"

"Just leave the cannoning to me!" Usopp bragged. "I harkin back to the time I was three years old and jumped on a passing cannonball riding at halfway around the world."

Yeah, no one is paying attention to him.

"How does it work?" River asked.

"Listen!" Usopp shouted.

"Zoro, know how to shoot this?" Luffy called out.

"Asleep." Nami informed him. "The guy sleeps constantly."

"He was just awake a few minutes ago..." River sighs.

"He's no fun." Luffy complains.

"You know just to the south of here is a reef that would make some excellent target practice." Nami said, showing the group her map.

"Let's go!" Luffy exclaimed. And that's when River wasn't able to understand who was talking due to everyone talking over each other...

"Ugh, shut up and let's go." River groaned.


"That was way off the mark." Luffy said as he fired the cannon.

"Hey, what's so loud down there?" Zoro asked.

"They're playing around with the cannon." River answered, looking up at him.

"We're not playing around, we're practicing!" Luffy argued and River shrugged.

"Looks like playing around to me."

"Hey. Let me fire the thing, like I said, I am an expert at aiming things." Usopp said before adjusting the cannon. "Judging from the flying distance of the last one. This should do it! Fire!"

He hit it. The cannonball destroyed the reef on impact as rocks fell down into the sea.

"Awesome!" Luffy said, amazed. "You hit that thing on the first try!

"Woah, I did." Usopp responded, shocked at his own skill. "What ya think? I'm pretty magnificent when it comes to aiming, so are you impressed yet?"

"Yeah, you better believe it! So it's all settled, you'll be our sniper!"

"Wait, I don't get to be captain?"

"No! I'm still the captain!


The group was in the cabin, while River was closest to the door, looking outside it.

"Whatever, I'll humor you for now, but the second you do something cowardly I'm taking your post." Usopp said to Luffy.

"I can live with that." Luffy agreed. "You know guys, I was thinking there's one other position we have to fill before we can make it to the grand line."

"You're right, the kitchen is really nice on this ship. Just pay me and I'll do it." Nami added.

"I suppose it is vital for long trips." Zoro agreed.

"No decent pirate ship should be without one!" Luffy announced. "A musician!"

River hit him on the back of the head. "That's not a priority!"

These People Are Insane (One Piece OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang