>Chapter Twenty-Three<

Start from the beginning

"So, is everyone excited for autumn formal?" Michael asked through a mouthful of pizza.

"I am," Eve nodded.

"Same." Luke smiled at me, making me do the same.

"I can't wait to go out for food," Mikey grinned. "That'll be the best part!"

I rolled my eyes, getting up to throw out my trash. As I walked over to the trash can, I noticed Kelsey glaring at me. I averted my eyes, hurrying back to my seat.

As I sat down, I felt Luke bristle beside me. "What?" I looked at him.

"Nothing," he shrugged. "Kelsey was looking at you, wasn't she?" he added softly after a moment.

"Yeah. So?" I turned my gaze to the table. "I'm fine."

"Alright. So, Mikey," he looked at the red-haired human vacuum. "You going to the dance with anyone?"

"I don't know." Michael practically turned as red as his hair. "Maybe..."

"Who?" Malaya asked curiously, a bit of sadness tingeing her voice.

"Well, um... maybe, ya know, if you want..... Would you like to go with me?" he asked her, and I smile at how awkward he was. It was so endearing.

"Sure!" Malaya was blushing as well, a huge smile plastered on her face.

"Cool," Michael smiled. "What about you Eve? You going with anyone?"

"No, I don't think so. The only person I'd possibly want to go with doesn't really go here anymore..." she shook her head.

"And you Cal?" Luke smiled at his friend across the table.

"Yeah, I'm going with Petra. It'll probably be one of our last dates though. I'm getting kinda sick of her," he shrugged. Player much? Why would anyone just say they were getting sick of their boyfriend or girlfriend?! That's so rude...

"Ah, I see." Luke nodded just as the bell rang. We all got up, said bye, and went to our next classes. Michael and Eve joined me as we walked to Art.

"How about that Calum guy?" Michael scoffed. "Who does that? Asking their girlfriend to a dance, then just dumping them 'cause they're done with them..."

"I know. It's just wrong!" I agreed.

"They haven't even been together that long, either. That's what also bothers me."

We kept talking as we made our way to fifth period. Entering the room, we found new art taped up on the walls. They all seemed to be examples of the same project, as there was a similarity between all of them: they were all parts of the human body. Arms, legs, hands, shoulders, feet, backs, stomachs, they were beautiful.

We sat through an explanation of the project, and I found it was what I had guessed. We had to draw any (appropriate) part of the body that we wished, and we had to make it unique somehow.

I immediately knew what I would do, and I could clearly see it in my mind. I would draw an arm, and it would be special because it would be wreathed in flowering plants.

Once we started, I ended up finishing mine in one class period. Everyone else would have to finish tomorrow. It turned out wonderfully, and as I handed it in, I felt pride swell in me. It looked so realistic, and very impressive.

Gorgeous, really...



Hey guys!! Sooooooo............ Michaya (idk if that should be the ship name or not. What do you think?) is pretty much official now! I was waiting for that. I know it wasn't extravagant, but hey, like Kara said about her dress, its not prom. At least not yet... ;D

I don't even know what to say about the whole thing with 10,700+ reads. Do you guys really like this story that much?? Like, I saw it was over 10,000 and I was spazzing out. Now it's less than 300 reads from 11k and I'm just in shock. I seriously can't even thank you guys enough. There aren't words yet to express how I feel and how I want to thank you.

Are you guys on twitter? Cause we love some weird guys. Seriously? The whole doge thing is much hilarious. Doge Hemmings, Doge Official, Majestic Doge, and Doge irwin. Like, honestly, the guys are so weird...... though that's one of the many reasons we do love them so much.

Aaannnyyyway................ Hope you all enjoyed this somewhat sucky chapter. We learned that Calum is a player, Michaya is official, and Kara is good at drawing arms with flowers. What can't she draw??

Lol, love you all, thank you so much, and the next time I update will be from a new iPod so there shouldn't be too many typos. ^-^


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