3. I've dropped pieces of ChenJis love story here and there and you might have a theory of your own about what exactly happened. Honestly, I don't think it's too important so if you'd rather make up your own idea of how they got together, by all means. I'd love to know. This is my version (keep in mind that sometimes the vision is just there but not the explanation):

When Jisung was eighteen, he started working at a community center that Chenle worked at and Chenle told to show Jisung around and stuff and by doing that, Chenle decided he didn't like Jisung that much so they just kept to themselves really. While working sometimes, Jisung would facetime Jaemin and because they're adorable and affectionate, Jisung would say endearing things and in person, they would be affectionate so Chenle assumed Jisung and Jaemin were dating. Haechan visited Jisung and Mark and Jeno visited Chenle (and just so happen to miss each other every time) and so they'd point things out to their best friends. Because they were always around each other, Chenle and Jisung eventually became friends (I imagine Chenle speaking to Jisung out of boredom) and Jisung fell first (you probably guessed that) and Chenle fell just as much, if not harder.

4. I think I mentioned this but Veronica (Alyssas ex-girlfriend) was never gonna be a long-term character. I didn't say it in the story but they did date for say six months and then realized they're better off as friends

5. I'm sure we're all wondering why I made Taeyong an asshole and I'm sorry to say I don't have too much of an explanation. It wasn't like I had to make Taeyong specifically be a jerk but at the first party, I wanted drama and I felt like if Haechan went to Mark, saw who he was talking to and left, that would be perfect. I hadn't decided what to do with every member at that time so I just threw Taeyong in

me from later on: okay I kinda remember what was going on. It's true that I didn't know what to do with every member but at some point (so I'm not sure how much of this is related to this decision), I decided I would like group (most of) WayV + SungTaro + Renjun in as their own friend group for later on in the story, leaving the 127 members as like the first side characters to be introduced and there was a few options like Taeyong, Yuta and maybe someone else to be the one speaking to Mark and I just decided it would be Taeyong for that particular thing so it's still kinda without reason but you can also say he was one of the very few people available to be that person

6. I didn't really plan the side relationships, I didn't even think too much about Chenle and Jisung, so what it is now isn't even the same as what it could've been.

In the rough draft, Yangyang and Renjun aren't even friends. They meet up at a party (kind of late into the story) and they hookup but nothing comes of it, then at ChenJis wedding, Renjun would say that he'll probably go through three weddings and then meets Jaehyun and gets his number.

Honestly, TenYang still could've happened and I just like them so there they are

XiaoKun was literally just because and I'm not mad about it. I love them so much. They are so cute

I like DoTae, I like YuTae, YuDoTae

Fact 19 (I think) is basically the same thing as what I'm about to say but after some deliberation about JohnJae, I figured I should mention them here. I have no problem making things romantic (if you haven't picked it up, I LOVE the friends to lovers trope (especially if they're best friends) but my other reason (ish) is that, while there's nothing wrong being single, I wasn't super satisfied with the idea of Johnny being single because he is my bias and thinking about this now, I do realize that I did kinda put him through it with Jaehyun and it wasn't even intentional *laughs* (this part is funny because Jaemin is my top bias (though he now shares this place with Chenle) and kind of in general but in my one-shots specifically, I have a habit of making him suffer because he is my bias. I use my other biases too (sometimes) but Jaemin is in my head rent-free as a character to suffer)

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