12. L I E S

13 1 0

"Sometimes it's okay,
To not be okay."


As time passed her brain was frozen by the abuse of memories. With a sigh, she puts down the letter. The letter says nothing, they are simply his emotions embodied in ink.

is it possible she is running after nothing?

Could it be that he did it on impulse?

On what basis is she running this madness?

With her mind fogged with so many unanswered questions with more confusing answers, she feels as if she were going mad. Everything in her mind seems to be hanging dangerously on the edge of sanity.
One more dangerous slip and the thin line between rationality and fantasy will blur for her.

She needed to get out of here, she had to get out here. Picking up her side bag she grabs her Snickers before rushing as though the place itself were suffocating her to death.

Somehow her feet themselves find their way to the gate of her art school even though she doesn't have any business here today, perhaps her subconscious mind does. Contemplating with herself she just gets inside without giving much thought. Well, the gate was in front of her, she was in front of the gate, so why stand outside?

Tyler doesn't ask her much. She simply gives him a bored shrug demanding any type of work that would keep her busy. For a brief moment, he stares at her frowning but lets her be on her way requesting her to collect the drawings from each student. Make sure they have all written down their name and ID number in their respective paintings.

she obliges by enthusticly, for once happy with doing this very chaotic and troublesome job. On her way she comes across a somewhat familiar face, she has yet to confirm whether she would level him as familiar or unfamiliar. What would you call a person who you meet almost every day, but talk less with than a cactus?

She purches her lips peeking at the cavas from behind his shoulder. The canvas was painted with what seemed like less of a painting and more of a fancy design.

He had a theme to follow. Does he even know that?

" You know miss. you should get people's permission if you want to poke your nose on others' business. I wouldn't have denied though." A pair of brown siren eyes meets with hers, as he wheels his chair.

Kylie raised her brows slightly but chose to go along with his craziness. Everything that has been going around her is pure madness. If a little bit of madness won't hurt.

"Then, apology for my crime. Can I please poke my nose in your business?" She asks politely, she is a sorted person who likes to follow logic most of the time. But, can life be defined by laws and rules? Perhaps not. Because her life and mind nowadays have overleaped her own rules. Then, what right does she have to question someone else norm?

Evan glanced at the brunette girl before nodding in the affirmative. "You may," he states calmly. The girl has been suspiciously quiet today. During the two weeks in here, he had seen the girl yell more than the mad old lady at his neighbour.

Do all the girls have high-pitched voices like her? He can't confirm, there aren't many female figures he had in his life. The few seemed pretty normal to him but the pretty brunette in front of him was not one of them.

The Shooting StarOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant