3. D E N I A L

58 23 9

"I am sorry."



Have you ever felt like just shutting down and do nothing? That's all I am feeling right now. How I wish there were an on-and-off switch on humans. We can just move it around on our will. Nice, huh?

I sighed playing with the food on my plate and listening to Kai going on and on about his basketball. Doesn't he ever get tired of talking nonstop? I sighed yet again staring at my plate in distaste. My insides burning with hunger yet the mere sight of it makes me feel nauseous.

I shoved a spoonful of my food in my mouth and forced it down my throat. I don't care even if I end up puking it all out later but right now my inside is burning with hunger. Will someone tell me what's wrong with me?

"Our basketball team won the match today. They are throwing a party tomorrow to celebrate." Kai happily added while Mom listened to him smiling softly. Mom is trying to act natural but her face gave her out. She looks so tired. Something happened today. The airhead I call my brother noticed it too and asked me what was wrong with her.

"Kylie." Mom called out for me, her voice calm. Why do I feel like it's the calm before the storm? I looked at Kai alarmed while he shrugged. I swear to God I will kill him if the mama's boy has ratted out anything. Shallowing the food in my mouth I look at Mom giving her my full attention.

" I got a call from your art school today. " she paused looking at me expectantly. Her eyes told it all that I was in big trouble while I remained completely confused. I have not done anything. I submitted the painting on time, I haven't gotten in any trouble there.

"I am sorry." I apologized lowering my head. I don't know what I am apologizing for, but that seems to be the only thing that I can do right now.

"Your sorry is not what I am waiting for here, Kylie. When will you start correcting yourself? Look at your brother he never came back with poor grades like you, we never stopped you two from chasing your passion while most other parents don't even allow it in the first place. All we ask for is your dedication to your work. Is it too much to ask?" Mom demanded her voice trembling, while Kai got up from his seat to calm her down. I kept my gaze on my lap not daring to meet her eyes. I purse my lips almost almost counselling the guilty half-smile. Bad timing, possibly the worst timing to laugh. But, here I am. I hate my mind sometimes.

I didn't raise my head either when Kai took her to her room. Finally, I got the courage to raise my head when their footsteps faded. Chuckling and feeling my eyes sting at the same time got to be the worst inner turmoil one can be in.

I swear there is something awfully wrong with the gland in my eyes those days. They can produce a few buckets of tears for no reason and it's annoying.

Brushing off the stinging feeling I get up proceeding to gather all the dishes. She wasn't wrong. I should have worked harder, I had to.


The next day

Kylie copied the notes in her notebook from her tablet fixing her glasses on the bridge of her nose. Just one more page then she was done with her assignments. After that, she can finally start her writing. It's been a while since she last worked on her fiction. Do you know the most annoying faze as a writer? It's when you have the bits and scraps of a story sorted in your head but you can't form it into words. Every time you hold the pen they all turn blank and so does the paper. Still, she is willing to give it a try and at least write down something in her draft paper. If not for the sake of finishing the story then for the sake of her sanity and she isn't someone who settles for a loss after all.

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