9. A N G E R

18 5 10

"If I did everything I wanted to,
I would have ended up doing

- source : insta


Silence is such a beautifully calm and terrifyingly suffocating thing at the same time. The craving for a little space pulls people to such an extent, the same space they run from in the fear of suffocation.

You know the most terrifying fact in there? You can't do anything about it. Once your soul chooses silence you have to depend on others to fill the hollow of your emptiness. You are at their mercy.
They can pick you up when they want, but then again they are the same people who can cast you at the other corner when they are busy. Either way, I have always refused to be at someone else mercy, yet here I am struggling to form a word to communicate.

A tired sigh leaves my parted lips as Kai starts driving without altering a single word. My eyes flicker to his hand holding onto the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white from the tight grip. It made me feel guilty, almost.

I poke the inside of my cheeks as the silence settles this discomfort within me. He doesn't seem like he minds the silence. Talkative people are so blessed, they can start talking when they want, and express themselves the way they want. While the other one just sits there waiting for them to carry on.

"How did you know where I am?" My voice scratches as I ask him. God, my voice sounds like a dying seal scratching.
Must be the cold, exactly what I needed right now.

"I have my ways," he replies curtly without sparing me a glance. That's new, I was convinced he can't reply to any question without exaggerating. I cough, followed by a violent fit of sneezing.

Cold and fever love to visit me at the most auspicious times like my uninvited relatives. Their timing amazes me exactly when they are most uninvited.

Kai passes me the tissue box from the dashboard more like shoves it on my lap casting me a nasty glare." Do you know how worried I was when I knew that you came here? I was worried sick thinking you would get yourself in trouble." he asks me almost stuttering me at the harboured emotions. So, that's what he is gonna do? Dump it all on me?

"You were worried?" I repeat after him with a dry chuckle. "You never even talked with me properly until a few months ago, Kai," I tell him with my heart breaming with untitled emotions, my voice pained with their weight.

But he doesn't care, he ignores them all shouting at the top of his voice. " Because you never let me in, Kylie. You were always busy in your stupid bubble with your best friend."

"Kai." I try to stop him before he says something he might regret or something that gets stuck in my mind to the extent of never coming back.

"Don't!" he warns me clenching his jaw, raking his free hand through his hair messily. "Ali this, Ali that. Grow up, the world doesn't revolve around you." he scoffs.

I glance at him in disbelief. He didn't just drag my dead best friend in between just to justify his lack of care.

"Stop the car," I tell him clenching my jaw. Enough is, enough. I am so done with him.


"Stop the car!" I command him sternly, as he kills the engine at the roadside. Once it slows down, I get off to leave.

"Yeah, do that- just ran off from your problems. That's all you are good at." I hear him scoff from behind. That son of a bitch. I flicker my middle finger at him before closing the door with a loud bang.

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