7. G O O D M O R N I N G

48 16 14

A special thanks to ashtara2012

"There is no accidental

meeting between souls"



I blink my eyes rapidly trying to adjust to the light.
I swear I set the alarm sharp at 6.00 pm, but it didn't ring. I mean if it rang then I would have woken up, right?
It's 7.45 pm right now.

I need to start working on my sleeping pattern. Kai passes me the toothpaste as I stand beside him. "the toothpaste has a nice smell but tastes weird." he mumbles brushing his teeth while half asleep. His eyes are still pressed together as if he is adamant to keep the sleep in his eyes.

I frown looking at the tube in my hand and then back at Kai. It's my lemon-flavoured facewash.
"Kai, why are you brushing your teeth with my face wash?"I ask him in utter disbelief.

"Your what....?" he yells his eyes equally big as mine.

Is he seriously brushing his hideous teeth with my face wash? This one product dug a hole in my pocket. He spits the foam scrunching his nose in disgust.

I ramble into laughter as the first wave of shock washes off. While he is busy trying to cleanse his mouth frantically. "how did it taste?" I ask him in between my laughter.

He shot me a glare. "you think it's funny?" he questions me but it comes out in blubber because of the water he is gurgling with. It only makes me laugh louder. Man, just when I thought it can't get funnier.

It's officially saved at the top of my blackmail folder forever.

I hiccup trying to keep up with my breath. Closing the tape he shoots me a predator's glance. Oh, shit. I take a flight before he can lunge at me but another hiccup makes a jolt shot through my body.

Darn it.

My leg slips on the floor making my ass kiss the ground.
"ouch." I curse in every language I knew as I roll on the floor rubbing my hip. Fuck, it hurts so bad.

" Had a nice time sitting there, ugly duckling?" I glare at him through my squinted eyes, the traitor is laughing like a hyena instead of helping me. I wish God boils him when he dies and makes a curry soup out of him.

" Fuck you." I spilt out as another hiccup bubbles. I groan sitting up in the cool tile of the bathroom.

"Look who is laughing now." Kai mocks me in a baby voice, an arrogant smirk pulling up on his face. Too happy that god answered his silent prayer early.

"Kai, Kylie. What's going on?" Mom's panicked voice reaches my ear from below. She probably heard our ruscus.

"Nothing Mom. Just wishing each other good morning." Kai beats me in replying to her. He turns to leave not before slapping me in the head. What was that for?

I try to kick him in the leg but he moves back at the right time. What crime have I committed that my luck has declared war against me since morning?

Kai flashes me a proud glance that screamed - I knew it, you think you can fool me? He left without even helping me, Jerk.

I swear I am living in a circus surrounded by a bunch of clowns. My bottom felt sticky as the water in the tile soaked my shorts. This day can't get any worse, can it?

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