28. ⚔️ATTACK⚔️

Start from the beginning

Sean shivered a little at the word expecting. His trembling hands suddenly reached his own stomach, touching it. He was expecting as well but....

Yibo furrowed his brows at Sean's action. He was waiting for his reply or to be precise complying. Sean simply nodded, not daring to utter a word. He didn't trust his voice at present... Yibo smiled satisfied, and kept caressing Sean's hairs. He still had Sean in his embrace from behind.

"Right. So, since I will be off tomorrow, spend the night with me. Ok!! I need to cover you with my scent and my touch, to last for these few days of my absence.. I don't know why, but from past few weeks, am getting a faint foreign scent from you... By any chance, you ain't cheating on me with someone... Are you!?! "

Sean looked down. He knew Yibo was just joking with him, but he could also feel the tightening of Yibo's arm around his waist, though he was still caressing his hairs in the same way, with his other hand... Gently.... And it sent chills in Sean's spine.... As if it was a test, and Yibo was expecting nothing but a predicted answer from Sean, that would drive away his doubts. Sean stared towards the setting sun and asked.

"Will you let go, and ignore if I fall for someone else!?! "

"You know the answer."

"And what if it's my destiny!! "

"Then change your destiny, or I will have to change it..."

"Why is it different for me!?! Why you can bed other people and I can't even follow my destiny!?!"

"Simple. Because I am the Emperor, I am allowed to. I don't need permission from anyone for anything. But you are my Empress, you belong solely to me. Your existence is solely for me, I own you and so you need my consent for everything in life... Everything... Father God Apollo gave you wholly to me, for only myself. I am your path, I am your destination, and I am your destiny, so all you need to do is follow me, to me. Nothing else should matter to you...."

"And suppose I follow a different route, choose another path, find a separate destiny, change my ultimate destination.. Then!?! "

"Then!?! "

Yibo chuckled. He gently pressed Sean's right shoulder blade, and bit his neck's erogenous area from behind, seductively.

"Simple. I will destroy that another route and all those paths that would dare to distract you from mine. Kill anyone else trying to be your destiny other than me.... And drag you back to my arms, from anywhere else, you illusion as your destination. Because, I know no other destination can exist for you except me, I won't let..."

Sean closed his eyes in stress... But before he could find some solace, Yibo started caressing his neck with his lips, while releasing his pheromones...

"You are only mine. Only mine, Star Dust. You dare even think of other way, I will destroy even the prospective of it... I love you. Only you, and you will love me back Star Dust. Comply to my wishes and walk the path, I chose for you to reach the destination, I decide for you. By holding my hand, which is your destiny till eternity.... "

And saying so, Yibo turned Sean around and pulled him to bed..... For the night......


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