Hooty's Moving Hassle (S1EP6)

Start from the beginning

Willow: Amity's having a moonlight conjuring and invited everyone but us.

Gus: And she keeps posting about it on her Penstagram.

[Gus traces a spell circle, summoning a scroll, the scroll unfurls. The scroll shows Amity's Penstgram post of her and her friends posing]

[Izuku read the caption of the post]

Izuku: "It's conjuring night. No dorks allowed!" Wow, that was uncalled for.

Luz: [Scowls at Amity for a second before looking back at them] What's a moonlight conjuring?

Willow: You spend the night at someone's house, telling stories, playing games..

Izuku: Oh, like a slumber party?

Luz: Yeah! We have those!

Willow: [Pulls out a book] Then you bring something to life with moon magic!

Luz: [Pauses] Like a weird slumber party!

Willow: Gus and I have never been to one. You need at least three people and-

Luz: I'm three people- Uh, I mean, me and Izuku can join you guys, that'll be enough right? And we're way better than them!

Boscha: [Laughs as they all approach] Sorry, you couldn't get an invite to the conjuring, Willow. [Looks at Amity] Only real witches are allowed.

Amity: [Sighs] Leave her alone. It's not her fault she was born without talent.

[They all leave. Willow growls, several vines from the ground rise]

Izuku: Whoa. [Slaps the tallest vine]

Luz: [Hugs Willow] Don't waste your time getting thorny over them because we're going to have our own moonlight conjuring.

Gus: Are you serious? This was on my bucket list. [Pulls out a notepad and check off the box to be invited to a moonlight conjuring] After owning a real human bucket!

Luz: That's a really weird thing to want, but I appreciate your enthusiasm. I'll go ask Eda.

Izuku: (Eda will definitely say no.) All right, see y'all later. [Follows after Luz]

[Luz runs to get Eda. Cut back to Eda and Morton]

Morton: I've got bad news and good news. Bad news is I'm all out until next week. Good news is, the feathers are a good look for you.

[Eda sneers as several more feathers grows out of her hair]

Eda: Morton!

[Feathers flutters to the ground as she stalks forward]

Morton: Well gee, E. Why'd you wait to re-up until now?

Eda: I've been very busy.

King: [From the bench] Yeah, busy playing Hexes Hold'em. [Points to Eda] She's obsessed with it.

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