Hooty's Moving Hassle (S1EP6)

Start from the beginning

[Owlbert hoots and grabs the cards before flying ahead]

Eda: [Running after him] Owlbert, you sore loser, give me my cards!

[Cut to the skyline as a winged demon fly past. Cut to the market, where Eda bangs on a metal grate]

Eda: Hey, open up, Morton!

Morton: Uh, ju-.. just a minute!

[King and Izuku leaves Eda's side to sit next to Luz on a bench]

Luz: Is there anything better than watching people in the demon realm?

[Three witches are standing at a bus stop as a giant egg rolls up to it. The egg cracks, revealing a featherless bird that screeches, it flies away. The witches enter the egg, one of them closes it and it rolls off as Tinella Nosa runs up]

Tinella Nosa: Wait, wait! Aw, dang it.

Luz: The curse of tiny legs.

King: I know that pain

Izuku: Can't relate. [Looks at both of them smugly]

King: Shut up!

Luz: Yeah, we know you're taller than us. [Rolls her eyes]

Izuku: Hah!

[Thundering footsteps could be heard. Tinella Nosa screams and runs. A witch waves his hand, and a cart with a large demon on it follows him. Luz and Izuku walks up to Eda]

Izuku: Who are they?

Eda: Dangerous nomads who captures and sell the most powerful beasts

[The first demon hunter traces a spell circle, creating a lighting in his hand. He grunts as he shocks the demon unconscious. The demon hunter turns and looks at both Izuku and Luz. Luz gasps as Izuku glares at him]

Eda: .....Which I'm about to become if you don't open up, Morton! [Continues to knock on the grate]

Morton: [Opens the grate] Sorry, Eda! I was up all night poison tasting and for some reason, I don't feel great.

Izuku: [Whispers to Luz: I wonder why]

Luz: [Holds back her laughter]

Eda: I'm all out of my juice, palm

Morton: Oh, gee. Let me see what I can do.

[Morton ducks down and digs around, rattling bottles. The demon hunters continue on, revealing, Willow and Gus, the latter looking dejected, behind Willow]

Luz and Izuku: Gus! Willow! [Runs up to them]

Luz: Heya, Friends!

Willow and Gus: [Is looking down]

Luz: Wait, what's wrong? Who hurt my babies?

Willow: Them.

[Willow points to a food stand. Cat and Skara are laughing while Amity is staring at a potion and Boscha is watching them]

The Hero In The Demon Realm (The Owl House x Izuku Midoriya)Where stories live. Discover now