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Fakhir and Ainy have never envisioned a life where Ainy would become his wife. Yet, here they are, having said 'Qubool hai.'

As Ainy approaches the stage with Sameena and Aisha by her side, her heart feels like it's about to leap out of her chest. She takes tentative steps, the weight of her ornate lehenga making every movement feel cumbersome. Her eyes flit nervously around the room, scanning the faces of the guests who've gathered to witness this momentous occasion. Ainy locks eyes with Fakhir, who sits in his black sherwani. His familiar mischievous grin is absent, replaced by a mix of emotions mirrored in her own apprehensive gaze.

Ainy takes a deep breath, feeling the weight of the moment settling over her like a heavy veil. As she nears the stage, she can feel Fakhir's eyes following her every step. She climbs the stage, her eyes never leaving his, each second stretching into an eternity.

As Ainy walks toward Fakhir, his breath catches in his throat as he beholds Ainy's beauty. He's taken aback, realizing he's never truly noticed the depth of Ainy's beauty before. She has always been his cousin, and it has never occurred to him to see her beyond that.

Ainy gazes around, feeling the weight of all the eyes focused on her and Fakhir. Seeking reassurance, she looks towards her mother, finding comfort in the reassuring smile she receives. As her nerves manifest through the unconscious rubbing of her fingers, Fakhir notices her gesture and instinctively places his hand over hers.

Startled by Fakhir's unexpected gesture, Ainy turns to look at him, finding a smile. Before they could react further, Aiman arrives behind them, ushering them for pictures. The camera flashes, but both Ainy and Fakhir appear somewhat stiff, their movements constrained by the weight of the moment.

Fakhir is finally alone in his room after all the commotion of the nikkah. With the guests gone, only family members remain. Ainy has been escorted to her room by their mothers, while Fakhir takes a refreshing shower and changes into his comfortable t-shirt and pajamas. Arsal enters the room; he still shares the space with Fakhir.

"Man, Ainy looked stunning today. I never realized she was this beautiful," Arsal remarks.

Fakhir glances at him, feeling a slight twinge of jealousy, though he's unsure where that feeling originated from.

"I don't care," Fakhir responds dismissively, shrugging his shoulders as he settles onto his bed, engrossed in his phone. But deep inside, Fakhir did care. He couldn't shake off the memory of how beautiful Ainy looked today. Her big, captivating grey eyes and those soft, plum-hued lips lingered in his mind, imprinting an image he found difficult to dismiss.

"Come on, bro. You can fool somebody else, but not me. I've seen you drooling over her today. You couldn't take your eyes off of her, man," Arsal teases Fakhir.

"I wasn't!" Fakhir protests, trying to hide his embarrassment.

"It's okay, man. She's your wife. You can look at her any way you want," Arsal teases, winking mischievously at Fakhir, who throws a pillow at Arsal in return. "Shut up."

"Ye kya ho raha hai?" Zaheer enters the room with a smile. Fakhir stands up promptly, acknowledging his father's presence. Zaheer gestures for him to sit back down, taking a seat beside him on the bed.

"I am here to tell you something."

"I already married Ainy."

Zaheer chuckles lightly at his son's reply and playfully waves his hand in front of his face. "It's about our business. I want you to start coming to the office from tomorrow."

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