Chapter 15: Meredith

Começar do início

Lauren gestured around the rink. Okay so she made a good argument. Connie leaned forward in her chair to look over at Lauren.

"It wasn't all weekend. Yesterday we went out for brunch just us."

"Hello! Without me. I'm part of this friend group too. Also the pictures don't lie."

Lauren pulled up Instagram on her phone and turned it around for us to see. There were nothing but random pictures of us with the guys on Saturday at Knoebels. I took her phone and went through them. Each one had a handful or more like multiple handfuls of likes with comments asking for Connie and I are. A tap on the glass in front of us startled me. I looked up from the phone that Lauren grabbed out of my hands to a concerned looking Carter.

"Are you okay?' He asked through the glass.

Um, no. How do you tell someone who is so used to all the attention that your life is doing somersaults. I cleared my throat and gave a thumbs up. I could tell he wasn't buying it, but that is all I can give him at the moment.

"I'll be out in a little bit."

He nodded his head in the direction of the guys stepping off the ice to head back to the locker room.

"Sounds good."

He reluctantly skated away. I reached into my bag and pulled out my phone. My screen was filled with notifications. I opened Instagram to where I had 88 friend requests. Oh shit... this crazy. Am I ready for crazy?

"Okay I want details. Now."

I sighed as Connie and I began to explain everything that happened the last couple days. Once we were done Lauren hugged me.

"I'm sorry for today, but honestly how could you guys play me like that?"

Connie and I both gave each other a confused look. I spoke for us.

"I'm sorry, but play you like what?" Lauren frowned as if me asking just insulted her even more.

"Not giving me to the party and then you went to the amusement park WITH them. I mean we all know I love Knoebels."

Connie frowned next and stood up to stretch.

"If I remember, last time we went you complained about it being too hot and how the rides were boring."

"That's not true! Oh and what is that I spy a necklace? Did you think it means something? He got it at the gift shop everyone knows."

"You are just jealous, Lauren. If you want to start shit then I'm ready to finish it."

Wow Connie, trying to calm her down not have her start world war 3 on our asses. Lauren bolted up and balled her hand into a fist. Oh no! Not on my watch. I stood up between them being the barrier.

"Okay let's calm down a bit. There is no need to fight."

"Is there a problem?"

I know that voice; it has become a centerpiece of my life these last couple weeks. I turned to the guys walking over to us. They all looked as if they just showed, but my eyes went right to Carter's and the way he ran his fingers through his hair. I bet it's super soft. I would love to just spend all day laying with him and running my fingers through those brown locks.

"Bug is everything alright here?"

Carter was now right in front of me and those concerned eyes were back staring at me. I need to work on my daydreaming and the timing.

"Oh yeah, umm this Lauren. Our um.. friend."

As I said it I could hear Connie's annoyance when she whispers.

He's The PlaymakerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora